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The benefits and costs of East-West migration


"In the remainder of this paper, I analyse whether imposing tight restrictions on migration from the new Member States from the East makes sense from an economic point of view. The argument is organised as follows. First, in order to establish the basis for the further discussion, the key developments of migration in the first two years of the EU's Eastern Enlargement is described (Section 2). Second, the intuition behind an economic analysis of the effects of migration for the receiving and the sending countries is presented (Section 3). The simulation model which is used for the further analysis is briefly outlined in Section 4. Section 5 simulates the effects of migration in countries with flexible and rigid labour markets and Section 6 the impact of migration in a world with mobile international capital. Furthermore, Section 7 analyses the effects of migration in countries which are characterised by distinct differences in wages and employment opportunities. Section 8 summarises the findings and compares them with the results of other studies. The final Section draws some conclusion for EU migration policies." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Brücker, Herbert (2006): The benefits and costs of East-West migration. An economic perspective. In: Ministeri d'Habitatge, Joventut, Ensenyament Superior i Recerca Andorra & Universität d'Estiu Andorra (Hrsg.) (2006): La immigració: una oportunitat? Annals de la XXIII Universitat d'Estiu d'Andorra, S. 139-161.