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New Work - the new normal after COVID-19?


"Public administration is currently confronted with challenges concerning diversity, demography, and digitization and needs to be proactive towards these demands and the COVID-19 crisis. Managing competencies, corporate health, and employee engagement promote individual employability in every phase of life. Work 4.0 is characterized by autonomy as far as possible, self organization, and well-being in the workplace in general, so that private life and work are combined. HR managers need to contribute to value creation and overall strategies to shape the future, and to manage change successfully. Digital skills are about much more than using IT applications. In addition, green skills should match needs in the area. A big step towards a mobile world of work has been taken during the pandemic, and cultural change has begun." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Behrens, Beatrix & Lutz Bellmann (2021): New Work - the new normal after COVID-19? In: European Public Mosaic H. 14, S. 66-87. DOI:10.2436/20.8030.08.14