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Reforming the German basic income system in international perspective: yes to new avenues, no to a fundamental change


"In Germany, politicians and the public have been debating for quite some time now whether the means-tested basic income scheme, colloquially referred to as Hartz IV, should be fundamentally reformed or even replaced by an unconditional basic income. Discussions, pilot projects and reform-attempts in this area can also be observed in other countries. A look beyond national borders is therefore highly instructive for the German - and international - reform debate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Bruckmeier, Kerstin & Regina Konle-Seidl (2019): Reforming the German basic income system in international perspective: yes to new avenues, no to a fundamental change. In: IAB-Forum H. 12.12.2019, o. Sz.


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