Die Forschungsbefunde des IAB werden nicht nur in den eigenen Publikationsreihen des Instituts, sondern auch in externen Discussion und Working Papers, (referierten) Fachzeitschriften, Monografien, Sammelwerken und anderen externen Publikationen veröffentlicht.
Publikationen in hochrangigen Journals
Referierte Aufsätze von IAB-Forschenden, die im Zeitraum 1. Januar 2022 bis 30. Juni 2023 in hochrangigen Fachzeitschriften der jeweiligen Disziplin erschienen sind (online-first). Die Aufsätze sind innerhalb der Disziplin alphabetisch sortiert.
- Bahar, Dany; Hauptmann, Andreas; Özgüzel, Cem; Rapoport, Hillel (2022): Migration and Knowledge Diffusion: The Effect of Returning Refugees on Export Performance in the Former Yugoslavia. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, online erschienen am 25.01.2022, S. 1-50.
- Bossler, Mario; Schank, Thorsten (2023): Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 41, H. 3, S. 813-857.
- Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos; Gartner, Hermann; Kaas, Leo (2023): Recruitment Policies, Job-Filling Rates and Matching Efficiency. In: Journal of the European Economic Association.
- Collischon, Matthias; Kühnle, Daniel; Oberfichtner, Michael (2022): Who benefits from cash-for-care? The effects of a home care subsidy on maternal employment, childcare choices, and children's development. In: The Journal of Human Resources, S. 1-58.
- Daniele, Federica; Stüber, Heiko (2023): The Micro-Origins of Business Cycles: Evidence from German Metropolitan Areas. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 105, H. 1, S. 70-85.
- Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Moretti, Enrico; Südekum, Jens (2022): Matching in Cities. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Jg. 20, H. 4, S. 1478-1521.
- Dustmann, Christian; Sandner, Malte; Schönberg, Uta (2022): The effects of sun intensity during pregnancy and in the first 12 months of life on childhood obesity. In: The Journal of Human Resources, online erschienen am 09.05.2022, S. 1-44.
- Fitzenberger, Bernd; Osikominu, Aderonke; Paul, Marie (2023): The effects of training incidence and planned training duration on labor market transitions. In: Journal of Econometrics, Jg. 235, H. 1, S. 256-279.
- Gudgeon, Matthew; Trenkle, Simon (2022): The Speed of Earnings Responses to Taxation and the Role of Firm Labor Demand. In: Journal of Labor Economics, online erschienen am 01.12.2022, S. 1-39.
- Lochner, Benjamin; Schulz, Bastian (2022): Firm Productivity, Wages, and Sorting. In: Journal of Labor Economics, online erschienen am 05.09.2022, S. 1-31.
- Schmieder, Johannes F.; von Wachter, Till; Heining, Jörg (2023): The Costs of Job Displacement over the Business Cycle and Its Sources: Evidence from Germany. In: The American Economic Review, Jg. 113, H. 5, S. 1208-1254.
- Eberl, Andreas; Collischon, Matthias; Wolbring, Tobias (2023): Subjective Well-Being Scarring Through Unemployment: New Evidence from a Long-Running Panel. In: Social Forces, Jg. 101, H. 3, S. 1485-1518.
- Fendel, Tanja; Kosyakova, Yuliya (2023): Couples' housework division among immigrants and natives – the role of women's economic resources. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, online erschienen am 11.01.2023, S. 1-26.
- Heusler, Anna; Osiander, Christopher; Schmidtke, Julia (2022): Essential for society but not equally deserving of preferential treatment? A discrete-choice experiment regarding COVID-19 healthcare. In: Social Science & Medicine, Jg. 311.
- Jaschke, Philipp; Löbel, Lea-Maria; Krieger, Magdalena; Legewie, Nicolas; Kroh, Martin; Jacobsen, Jannes; Schacht, Diana (2022): Mentoring as a grassroots effort for integrating refugees – evidence from a randomised field experiment. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 48, H. 17, S. 4085-4105.
- Krug, Gerhard; Prechsl, Sebastian (2022): Do changes in network structure explain why unemployment damages health? Evidence from German panel data. In: Social Science & Medicine, Jg. 307.
- Cernat, Alexandru; Sakshaug, Joseph; Christmann, Pablo; Gummer, Tobias (2022): The Impact of Survey Mode Design and Questionnaire Length on Measurement Quality. In: Sociological Methods & Research, online erschienen am 04.12.2022, S. 1-50.
- Drechsler, Jörg (2023): Differential Privacy for Government Agencies - Are We There Yet? In: Journal of the American Statistical Association, Jg. 118, H. 541, S. 761-773.
- Sakshaug, Joseph; Struminskaya, Bella (2023): Augmenting Surveys with Paradata, Administrative Data, and Contextual Data. In: Public Opinion Quarterly S. 1-5.
- Schwanhäuser, Silvia; Sakshaug, Joseph; Kosyakova, Yuliya (2022): How to Catch a Falsifier: Comparison of Statistical Detection Methods for Interviewer Falsification. In: Public Opinion Quarterly, Jg. 86, H. 1, S. 51-81.
- Fuchs, Michaela; Rossen, Anja; Weyh, Antje (2023): Why do workers leave geriatric care, and do they come back? A timing of events study. In: International Journal of Nursing Studies, Jg. 145.
- Lawes, Mario; Hetschko, Clemens; Schöb, Ronnie; Stephan, Gesine; Eid, Michael (2023): The Impact of Unemployment on Cognitive, Affective, and Eudaimonic Well-Being Facets: Investigating Immediate Effects and Short-Term Adaptation. In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Jg. 124, H. 3, S. 659-681.
Alle Publikationen
The Impact of New Housing Supply on the Distribution of Rents
Mense, Andreas (2025): The Impact of New Housing Supply on the Distribution of Rents. In: Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, S. 1-42. DOI:10.1086/733977
Wie Mütter für den Arbeitsmarkt verfügbar gemacht werden sollen
Höpfner, Elena (2025): Wie Mütter für den Arbeitsmarkt verfügbar gemacht werden sollen. Vorgaben zur frühzeitigen Aktivierung von Erziehenden kleiner Kinder unter drei Jahren in der Grundsicherung. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1515/zsr-2024-0024
Reciprocity and job mobility: The effect of effort-reward imbalance in the employer-employee relationship on turnover intentions and actual job changes
Prechsl, Sebastian (2025): Reciprocity and job mobility: The effect of effort-reward imbalance in the employer-employee relationship on turnover intentions and actual job changes. In: Social science research, Jg. 127. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2024.103133
Bleiben oder gehen? Das Demografieproblem lässt sich nicht allein durch die Zuwanderung von Fachkräften lösen. Wir müssen auch deren Abwanderung verringern
Kosyakova, Yuliya & Enzo Weber (2025): Bleiben oder gehen? Das Demografieproblem lässt sich nicht allein durch die Zuwanderung von Fachkräften lösen. Wir müssen auch deren Abwanderung verringern. Denkfabrik. In: Wirtschaftswoche. e-Magazin H. 10.01.2025.
Does ad hoc language training improve the economic integration of refugees? Evidence from Germany’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis
Marbach, Moritz, Ehsan Vallizadeh, Niklas Harder, Dominik Hangartner & Jens Hainmueller (2025): Does ad hoc language training improve the economic integration of refugees? Evidence from Germany’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1093/jrsssa/qnae106
Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government Move
Faggio, Giulia, Teresa Schlüter & Philipp Vom Berge (2025): Interaction of Public and Private Employment: Evidence from a German Government Move. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Jg. 111, H. March. DOI:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2025.104084
Should states allow early school enrollment? An analysis of individuals long-term labor market effects
Görlitz, Katja, Pascal Heß & Marcus Tamm (2025): Should states allow early school enrollment? An analysis of individuals long-term labor market effects. In: Empirical economics. DOI:10.1007/s00181-024-02702-z
Mental health in Germany before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Patzina, Alexander, Matthias Collischon, Rasmus Hoffmann & Maksym Obrizan (2025): Mental health in Germany before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 20. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0313689
Asylpolitik: Perspektiven in Deutschland für syrische Geflüchtete schaffen
Weber, Enzo (2025): Asylpolitik: Perspektiven in Deutschland für syrische Geflüchtete schaffen. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 105, H. 1.
The big sell: Privatizing East Germany’s economy
Mergele, Lukas, Moritz Hennicke & Moritz Lubczyk (2025): The big sell: Privatizing East Germany’s economy. In: Journal of Public Economics, Jg. 242. DOI:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2024.105291
When the Burden Lifts: The Effect of School and Day Care Reopenings on Parents' Life Satisfaction
Tobler, Lina, Bernhard Christoph, Lukas Fervers & Marita Jacob (2024): When the Burden Lifts: The Effect of School and Day Care Reopenings on Parents' Life Satisfaction. In: Journal of happiness studies, Jg. 26. DOI:10.1007/s10902-024-00819-7
Working from Home and Parental Childcare Division: Evidence from Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Boll, Christina, Dana Müller, Christopher Osiander & Simone Schüller (2024): Working from Home and Parental Childcare Division: Evidence from Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Social Politics, S. 1-27. DOI:10.1093/sp/jxae031
Who wants to live among racists? The impact of local right-wing attitudes on interregional labour migration in Germany
Buch, Tanja & Anja Rossen (2024): Who wants to live among racists? The impact of local right-wing attitudes on interregional labour migration in Germany. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2024.2443473
Accounting for qualification in mismatch unemployment
Bauer, Anja (2024): Accounting for qualification in mismatch unemployment. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 58. DOI:10.1186/s12651-024-00386-7
Rollenverständnisse von Vermittlungsfachkräften in Jobcentern und ihre Bedeutung für das Sanktionshandeln
Senghaas, Monika, Stefan Röhrer, Magdalena Köppen & Stefan Bernhard (2024): Rollenverständnisse von Vermittlungsfachkräften in Jobcentern und ihre Bedeutung für das Sanktionshandeln. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform. DOI:10.1515/zsr-2024-0013
So kommt Deutschland wieder aus der Krise
Schnitzer, Monika & Enzo Weber (2024): So kommt Deutschland wieder aus der Krise. Schluss mit dem Abstiegskampf. Ein Gastbeitrag von Monika Schnitzer und Enzo Weber. In: Der Spiegel H. 18.12.2024.
Parental Leave, Worker Substitutability, and Firms' Employment
Huebener, Mathias, Jonas Jessen, Daniel Kühnle & Michael Oberfichtner (2024): Parental Leave, Worker Substitutability, and Firms' Employment. In: The Economic Journal, S. 1-39. DOI:10.1093/ej/ueae114
Universal, targeted or both: Effects of different child support policies on labour supply and poverty: A simulation study
Bruckmeier, Kerstin, Diego d'Andria & Jürgen Wiemers (2022): Universal, targeted or both: Effects of different child support policies on labour supply and poverty: A simulation study. In: Journal of contextual economics, Jg. 142, H. 2, S. 159-206. DOI:10.3790/schm.2024.372970
The causal effect of liberalizing legal requirements on naturalization intentions
Kosyakova, Yuliya & Andreas Damelang (2024): The causal effect of liberalizing legal requirements on naturalization intentions. In: Social forces, S. 1-23. DOI:10.1093/sf/soae170