546 Ergebnisse
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- Drei Jahre Teilhabechancengesetz – ein Blick zurück und nach vorn aus Sicht der IAB-Forschung
- Einsparungen beim Sozialen Arbeitsmarkt hätten auch soziale Folgewirkungen
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- Wissenschaft trifft Praxis: Sanktionen im SGB II – wie können sinnvolle Regelungen aussehen?
- Erwerbsstrukturen im Wandel – Daten aus dem IAB-Betriebspanel
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- „Ich dachte, ich kenne das IAB. Das war eine Illusion“
- Der Wechsel in einen Helferjob kann sich für Fachkräfte in bestimmten Fällen lohnen
Publikationen in hochrangigen Journals
Referierte Aufsätze von IAB-Forscherinnen und -Forschern aus Zeitschriften, die im IAB-Journalrating mit mindestens [15] Punkten bewertet wurden. Das Rating wurde am IAB entwickelt, um analog zu dem in der VWL etablierten Handelsblattrating eine Bewertung aller relevanten Zeitschriften der Kerndisziplinen des IAB (Ökonomie, Soziologie, Surveystatistik) zu ermöglichen. Die Aufsätze werden nach Ausrichtung der Zeitschrift gruppiert. Die Sortierung erfolgt nach folgenden Kriterien: Ranking (höchste Bewertung zuerst), akzeptiert bzw. erschienen.
- Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens (akzeptiert 2019): Adjusting to Globalization in Germany. In: Journal of labor economics, im Erscheinen.
- Trenkle, Simon; Schmieder, Johannes F. (akzeptiert 2019): Disincentive Effects of Unemployment Benefits and the Role of Caseworkers. In: Journal of Public Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Mendolicchio, Concetta; Pietra, Tito (2019): Full and constrained pareto efficiency with incomplete financial markets. In: Economic Theory, online first, 24 S.
- Girma, Sourafel; Görg, Holger; Stepanok, Ignat (2020): Subsidies, spillovers and exports. In: Economics Letters, Vol. 186, No. January, 8 S.
- Guichard, Lucas: Self-Selection of Asylum Seekers (akzeptiert 2019): Evidence from Germany. In: Demography, im Erscheinen.
- Umkehrer, Matthias; vom Berge, Philipp (akzeptiert 2019): Evaluating the Minimum-Wage Exemption of the Long-Term Unemployed in Germany. In: ILR Review, im Erscheinen.
- Pohlan, Laura (2019): Unemployment and social exclusion. In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, Vol. 164, No. August, S. 273–299.
- Diegmann, André (2019): The internet effects on sex crime offenses – evidence from the German broadband internet expansion. In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, Vol. 165, No. September, S. 82–99.
- Oberfichtner, Michael; Kühnle, Daniel (akzeptiert 2019): Does starting universal child care earlier influence children’s skill development? In: Demography, im Erscheinen.
- Dauth, Christine; Lang, Julia (2019): Can the unemployed be trained to care for the elderly? The effects of subsidized training in elderly care. In: Health Economics, Vol. 28, No. 4, S. 543–555.
- Bossler, Mario; Gerner, Hans-Dieter (2019): Employment effects of the new German minimum wage. Evidence from establishment-level micro data. In: ILR Review, online first, 25 S.
- Brunow, Stephan; Hammer, Andrea; McCann, Philip (2019): The impact of KIBS’location on their innovation behaviour. In: Regional Studies, online first, 15 S.
- Haller, Peter; Heuermann, Daniel (2020): Opportunities and competition in thick labor markets. Evidence from plant closures. In: Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 60, No. 2, S. 273–295.
- Stegmaier, Jens; Fackler, Daniel; Weigt, Eva (akzeptiert 2019): Does extended unemployment benefit duration ameliorate the negative employment effects of job loss? In: Labour Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Hamann, Silke; Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Peters, Jan Cornelius (2019): Does the urban wage premium differ by pre-employment status? In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, online first, 12 S.
- Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Peters, Jan Cornelius (akzeptiert 2019): Workforce Composition and Individual Wages – An Employer-Employee Data Analysis. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, im Erscheinen.
- Jahn, Elke; Egger, Hartmut; Kornitzky, Stefan (akzeptiert 2019): Reassessing the Foreign Ownership Wage Premium in Germany. In: The World Economy, im Erscheinen.
- Jahn, Elke; Hirsch, Boris; Zwick, Thomas (akzeptiert 2019): Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity and Job Switches. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, im Erscheinen.
- Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Peters, Jan Cornelius; Schmidke, Alex (2019): Spatial sorting of innovative firms and heterogeneous effects of agglomeration on innovation in Germany. In: The journal of technology transfer, online first, 33 S.
- Freitas Monteiro, Teresa; O’Toole, Conor; McQuinn, Kieran (akzeptiert 2019): House Price expectations, labour market developments and the house Price to rent Ration: A user cost of Capital approach. In: The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Capuano, Stella; Egger, Hartmut; Koch, Michael; Schmerer, Hans-Jörg (2019): Offshoring and firm overlap: Welfare effects with non-sharp selection into offshoring. In: Review of International Economics, online first, 30 S.
- Eppelsheimer, Johann; Möller, Joachim (2019): Human capital spillovers and the churning phenomenon: Analysing wage effects from gross in- and outflows of high-skilled workers. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 78, No. September, 19 S.
- Gehrke, Britta; Hochmuth, Brigitte (2019): Counteracting unemployment in crises. Non-linear effects of short-time work policy. In: The Scandinavian journal of economics, online first, 38 S.
- Wicht, Alexandra; Kropp, Per; Schwengler, Barbara (2020): Are functional regions more homogeneous than administrative regions? A test using hierarchical linear models. In: Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 99, No. 1, S. 135–164.
- Mohrenweiser, Jens; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele; Zwick, Thomas (2019): Information advantages of training employers despite credible training certificates. In: Oxford Economic Papers, online first, 21 S.
- Gürtzgen, Nicole; Diegmann, André (akzeptiert 2019): Does Low-Pay Persist across Different Regimes? Evidence from German Unification. In: Economics of transition and institutional change, im Erscheinen.
- Klinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo (akzeptiert 2019): Secondary job holding in Germany. In: Applied Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Klinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo (2020): GDP-Employment Decoupling in Germany. In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Vol. 52, No. March, S. 82–98.
- Bossler, Mario; Grunau, Philipp (akzeptiert 2019): Asymmetric information in external versus internal promotions. In: Empirical Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Hetschko, Clemens; Preuß, Malte (akzeptiert 2019): Income in Jeopardy: How Losing Employment Affects the Willingness to Take Risks. In: Journal of Economic Psychology, im Erscheinen.
- Garloff, Alfred (2019): Did the German minimum wage reform influence (un)employment growth in 2015? Evidence from regional data. In: German Economic Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, S. 356–381.
- Capuano, Stella; Hauptmann, Andreas; Schmerer, Hans-Jörg (akzeptiert 2019): Trade and unions: Does size matter? In: Economic modelling, im Erscheinen.
- Vom Berge, Philipp; Frings, Hanna (2019): High-impact minimum wages and heterogeneous regions. In: Empirical Economics, online first, 29 S.
- Umkehrer, Matthias (akzeptiert 2019): Heterogenous Effects of Entering the Labor Market during a Recession – New Eviden
- Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens (akzeptiert 2019): Adjusting to Globalization in Germany. In: Journal of labor economics, im Erscheinen.
- Trenkle, Simon; Schmieder, Johannes F. (akzeptiert 2019): Disincentive Effects of Unemployment Benefits and the Role of Caseworkers. In: Journal of Public Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Mendolicchio, Concetta; Pietra, Tito (2019): Full and constrained pareto efficiency with incomplete financial markets. In: Economic Theory, online first, 24 S.
- Girma, Sourafel; Görg, Holger; Stepanok, Ignat (2020): Subsidies, spillovers and exports. In: Economics Letters, Vol. 186, No. January, 8 S.
- Guichard, Lucas: Self-Selection of Asylum Seekers (akzeptiert 2019): Evidence from Germany. In: Demography, im Erscheinen.
- Umkehrer, Matthias; vom Berge, Philipp (akzeptiert 2019): Evaluating the Minimum-Wage Exemption of the Long-Term Unemployed in Germany. In: ILR Review, im Erscheinen.
- Pohlan, Laura (2019): Unemployment and social exclusion. In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, Vol. 164, No. August, S. 273–299.
- Diegmann, André (2019): The internet effects on sex crime offenses – evidence from the German broadband internet expansion. In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, Vol. 165, No. September, S. 82–99.
- Oberfichtner, Michael; Kühnle, Daniel (akzeptiert 2019): Does starting universal child care earlier influence children’s skill development? In: Demography, im Erscheinen.
- Dauth, Christine; Lang, Julia (2019): Can the unemployed be trained to care for the elderly? The effects of subsidized training in elderly care. In: Health Economics, Vol. 28, No. 4, S. 543–555.
- Bossler, Mario; Gerner, Hans-Dieter (2019): Employment effects of the new German minimum wage. Evidence from establishment-level micro data. In: ILR Review, online first, 25 S.
- Brunow, Stephan; Hammer, Andrea; McCann, Philip (2019): The impact of KIBS’location on their innovation behaviour. In: Regional Studies, online first, 15 S.
- Haller, Peter; Heuermann, Daniel (2020): Opportunities and competition in thick labor markets. Evidence from plant closures. In: Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 60, No. 2, S. 273–295.
- Stegmaier, Jens; Fackler, Daniel; Weigt, Eva (akzeptiert 2019): Does extended unemployment benefit duration ameliorate the negative employment effects of job loss? In: Labour Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Hamann, Silke; Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Peters, Jan Cornelius (2019): Does the urban wage premium differ by pre-employment status? In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, online first, 12 S.
- Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Peters, Jan Cornelius (akzeptiert 2019): Workforce Composition and Individual Wages – An Employer-Employee Data Analysis. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, im Erscheinen.
- Jahn, Elke; Egger, Hartmut; Kornitzky, Stefan (akzeptiert 2019): Reassessing the Foreign Ownership Wage Premium in Germany. In: The World Economy, im Erscheinen.
- Jahn, Elke; Hirsch, Boris; Zwick, Thomas (akzeptiert 2019): Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity and Job Switches. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, im Erscheinen.
- Niebuhr, Annekatrin; Peters, Jan Cornelius; Schmidke, Alex (2019): Spatial sorting of innovative firms and heterogeneous effects of agglomeration on innovation in Germany. In: The journal of technology transfer, online first, 33 S.
- Freitas Monteiro, Teresa; O’Toole, Conor; McQuinn, Kieran (akzeptiert 2019): House Price expectations, labour market developments and the house Price to rent Ration: A user cost of Capital approach. In: The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Capuano, Stella; Egger, Hartmut; Koch, Michael; Schmerer, Hans-Jörg (2019): Offshoring and firm overlap: Welfare effects with non-sharp selection into offshoring. In: Review of International Economics, online first, 30 S.
- Eppelsheimer, Johann; Möller, Joachim (2019): Human capital spillovers and the churning phenomenon: Analysing wage effects from gross in- and outflows of high-skilled workers. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 78, No. September, 19 S.
- Gehrke, Britta; Hochmuth, Brigitte (2019): Counteracting unemployment in crises. Non-linear effects of short-time work policy. In: The Scandinavian journal of economics, online first, 38 S.
- Wicht, Alexandra; Kropp, Per; Schwengler, Barbara (2020): Are functional regions more homogeneous than administrative regions? A test using hierarchical linear models. In: Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 99, No. 1, S. 135–164.
- Mohrenweiser, Jens; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele; Zwick, Thomas (2019): Information advantages of training employers despite credible training certificates. In: Oxford Economic Papers, online first, 21 S.
- Gürtzgen, Nicole; Diegmann, André (akzeptiert 2019): Does Low-Pay Persist across Different Regimes? Evidence from German Unification. In: Economics of transition and institutional change, im Erscheinen.
- Klinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo (akzeptiert 2019): Secondary job holding in Germany. In: Applied Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Klinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo (2020): GDP-Employment Decoupling in Germany. In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Vol. 52, No. March, S. 82–98.
- Bossler, Mario; Grunau, Philipp (akzeptiert 2019): Asymmetric information in external versus internal promotions. In: Empirical Economics, im Erscheinen.
- Hetschko, Clemens; Preuß, Malte (akzeptiert 2019): Income in Jeopardy: How Losing Employment Affects the Willingness to Take Risks. In: Journal of Economic Psychology, im Erscheinen.
- Garloff, Alfred (2019): Did the German minimum wage reform influence (un)employment growth in 2015? Evidence from regional data. In: German Economic Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, S. 356–381.
- Capuano, Stella; Hauptmann, Andreas; Schmerer, Hans-Jörg (akzeptiert 2019): Trade and unions: Does size matter? In: Economic modelling, im Erscheinen.
- Vom Berge, Philipp; Frings, Hanna (2019): High-impact minimum wages and heterogeneous regions. In: Empirical Economics, online first, 29 S.
- Umkehrer, Matthias (akzeptiert 2019): Heterogenous Effects of Entering the Labor Market during a Recession – New Eviden
- Trappmann, Mark; Bähr, Sebastian; Beste, Jonas; Eberl, Andreas; Frodermann, Corinna; Gundert, Stefanie; Schwarz, Stefan; Teichler, Nils; Unger, Stefanie; Wenzig, Claudia (2019): Data Resource Profile: Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS). In: International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 48, No. 5, S. 1411–1411g.
- Hiesinger, Karolin; Tophoven, Silke (2019): Job requirement level, work demands, and health: a prospective study among older workers. In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Vol. 92, No. 8, S. 1139–1149