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Kennungsbild für die FAU-IAB-Seminarreihe
FAU/IAB-Seminarreihe "Macroeconomics and Labor Markets"

Die Lehrstühle für Volkswirtschaftslehre und für Global Governance der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg sowie das Kompetenzfeld "Gesamtwirtschaft" des IAB organisieren diese gemeinsame Seminarreihe mit Themen an der Schnittstelle von Makroökonomie und Arbeitsmarkt.

Striking a bargain: narrative identification of wage bargaining shocks

FAU/IAB-Seminarreihe "Macroeconomics and Labor Markets"

We quantify the effects of wage bargaining shocks on macroeconomic aggregates using a structural vector auto-regression model for Germany. We identify exogenous variation in bargaining power from episodes of minimum wage introduction and industrial disputes. This narrative information disciplines the impulse responses to a wage bargaining shock of unemployment and output, and sharpens inference on the behaviour of other variables. The implied transmission mechanism is in line with the theoretical predictions of a large class of search and matching models. We also find that wage bargaining shocks explain a sizeable share of aggregate fluctuations in unemployment and inflation, that their pass-through to prices is very close to being full, and that they imply plausible dynamics for the vacancy rate, firms' profits, and the labour share.



, 12:00 Uhr

Zu Gast

Andrej Sokol, European Central Bank
(gemeinsame Arbeit mit Žymantas Budrys und Mario Porqueddul)


Die Veranstaltung findet online über Zoom statt.


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