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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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im Aspekt "Auswirkungen von Arbeitszufriedenheit"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Arbeitsmotivation erhöhen – aber wie? - Wirtschaftsdienst (2024)

    Müller, Martin;


    Müller, Martin (2024): Arbeitsmotivation erhöhen – aber wie? - Wirtschaftsdienst. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 104, H. 5, S. 329-335.


    "Im Oktober 2022 hat die Bundesregierung ihre Fachkräftestrategie verabschiedet, die einen Wandel der Arbeitskultur einleiten soll. Die demografische Entwicklung wird ohne ausreichendes Gegensteuern zu einer deutlichen Zunahme des Fachkräftemangels und zu einem spürbaren Rückgang des Wachstums des BIP pro Kopf führen. Eine höhere Erwerbsbeteiligung der Bevölkerung bietet ein großes Potenzial, dem entgegenzuwirken. Um dies zu erreichen, müssen Arbeitszufriedenheit und Arbeitsmotivation der Arbeitnehmenden gefördert werden." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    How White Workers Navigate Racial Difference in the Workplace: Social-Emotional Processes and the Role of Workplace Racial Composition (2024)

    Nelson, Jennifer L. ; Johnson, Tiffany D.;


    Nelson, Jennifer L. & Tiffany D. Johnson (2024): How White Workers Navigate Racial Difference in the Workplace: Social-Emotional Processes and the Role of Workplace Racial Composition. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 51, H. 3, S. 362-407. DOI:10.1177/07308884231176833


    "Research on racialized emotions and racialized organizations has begun to inform how we understand social interactions in the workplace and their implications for racial inequality. However, most research to date focuses on the experiences and coping strategies of racial minority workers, especially when confronted with instances of racial prejudice and discrimination. We extend research on racialized emotions in the workplace by mapping the stages of belonging/unbelonging white workers go through when they encounter instances of racial discomfort or perceived prejudice in the workplace. This is an important contribution to the study of race and work because existing research suggests the deleterious effects for people of color when white people experience negative emotions such as threat, fear, and anxiety in interracial encounters. Drawing on interview data with 56 white teachers in a metropolitan area in the U.S. Southeast, we document a process of racialized belonging. This is a process whereby white workers experienced varying degrees of surprise, confusion, frustration, and fear resulting from interracial—and some intraracial—experiences with coworkers as well as students. We note how the process is informed by racialized imprinting prior to workplace entry and followed by racialized emotions and racialized coping. Racial composition of the workplace also played a role, though the process looked similar across contexts. We argue that by accounting for white workers’ prior life experiences as well as organizations’ involvement in accommodating their emotional expectations, the way white workers behave when race becomes salient to them can be better understood and addressed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and the 'Great Resignation': An Exploratory Machine Learning Analysis (2023)

    Celbiş, Mehmet Güney ; Wong, Pui-hang ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Kourtit, Karima ;


    Celbiş, Mehmet Güney, Pui-hang Wong, Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp (2023): Job Satisfaction and the 'Great Resignation': An Exploratory Machine Learning Analysis. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 170, H. 3, S. 1097-1118. DOI:10.1007/s11205-023-03233-3


    "Labor market dynamics is shaped by various social, psychological and economic drivers. Studies have suggested that job quit and labor market turnover are associated with job satisfaction. This study examines the determinants of job satisfaction using a large survey dataset, namely the LISS Work and Schooling module on an extensive sample of persons from the Netherlands. To handle these big data, machine learning models based on binary recursive partitioning algorithms are employed. Particularly, sequential and randomized tree-based techniques are used for prediction and clustering purposes. In order to interpret the results, the study calculates the sizes and directions of the effects of model features using computations based on the concept of Shapley value in cooperative game theory. The findings suggest that satisfaction with the social atmosphere among colleagues, wage satisfaction, and feeling of being appreciated are major determinants of job satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The Value of Working Conditions in the United States and the Implications for the Structure of Wages (2023)

    Maestas, Nicole; Mullen, Kathleen J.; Von Wachter, Till; Powell, David; Wenger, Jeffrey B.;


    Maestas, Nicole, Kathleen J. Mullen, David Powell, Till Von Wachter & Jeffrey B. Wenger (2023): The Value of Working Conditions in the United States and the Implications for the Structure of Wages. In: The American economic review, Jg. 113, H. 7, S. 2007-2047. DOI:10.1257/aer.20190846


    "We document variation in working conditions in the United States, present estimates of how workers value these conditions, and assess the impact of working conditions on estimates of wage inequality. We conduct a series of stated-preference experiments to estimate workers' willingness to pay for a broad set of working conditions, which we validate with actual job choices. We find that working conditions vary substantially, play a significant role in job choice, and are central components of the compensation received by workers. We find that accounting for differences in preferences for working conditions often exacerbates wage differentials and intensifies measures of wage inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Healthy New Work: Auswirkung agiler Arbeit auf die psychische Gesundheit (2023)

    Rietze, Sarah; Zacher, Hannes ;


    Rietze, Sarah & Hannes Zacher (2023): Healthy New Work: Auswirkung agiler Arbeit auf die psychische Gesundheit. In: Personal quarterly, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 32-38.


    "Unternehmen führen agile Praktiken ein, um Leistung und Innovation zu steigern. Welche Auswirkungen diese Praktiken auf Arbeitsmerkmale und die psychische Gesundheit von Beschäftigten haben, wurde bislang nicht untersucht. Es wurde eine Fragebogenstudie mit zwei Messzeitpunkten und 260 Beschäftigten in agilen Teams durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass agile Praktiken positiven Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit (höheres Engagement, geringere Ermüdung), vermittelt durch reduzierte Arbeitsanforderungen und erhöhte Ressourcen, haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Haufe-Lexware)

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    Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay (2022)

    Beckmann, Michael; Kräkel, Matthias;


    Beckmann, Michael & Matthias Kräkel (2022): Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 40, H. 4, S. 889-938. DOI:10.1086/718465


    "Although, from the viewpoint of social psychology, task commitment is a driving force for intrinsic motivation at the workplace, this topic has been widely ignored in labor and personnel economics so far. Our paper contributes to reduce this gap in the literature by offering a theoretical analysis on worker empowerment and task commitment. This approach also helps to explain the observed variety of compensation schemes across workers and firms. By using a large-scale linked employer-employee panel data set, we present empirical evidence that is consistent with the predicted patterns of our theoretical model." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture (2022)

    Boehnlein, Philipp; Baum, Matthias;


    Boehnlein, Philipp & Matthias Baum (2022): Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 647-685. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2020.1737177


    "We quantitatively summarize existing studies on job crafting and its effects on well-being and individual in-role and extra-role performance. We differentiate job crafting behaviors by target of impact (individual vs. work environment) and regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus). Drawing on 60 independent samples with a total of 20,547 participants, we use meta-analysis to show that promotion-oriented job crafting can be associated with increased well-being and both in-role and extra-role performance. Prevention-oriented crafting yielded partially significant results for well-being while showing non-significant relationships with both performance outcomes. Drawing on previous findings of the GLOBE study, we further show that the effects of job crafting on both in-role and extra-role performance are partially moderated by the cultural practices of in-group collectivism, future orientation, performance orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. By doing so, we illuminate the cultural circumstances under which job crafting behaviors are more suitable and where job crafting is less effective as a way to improve individuals’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))"We quantitatively summarize existing studies on job crafting and its effects on well-being and individual in-role and extra-role performance. We differentiate job crafting behaviors by target of impact (individual vs. work environment) and regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus). Drawing on 60 independent samples with a total of 20,547 participants, we use meta-analysis to show that promotion-oriented job crafting can be associated with increased well-being and both in-role and extra-role performance. Prevention-oriented crafting yielded partially significant results for well-being while showing non-significant relationships with both performance outcomes. Drawing on previous findings of the GLOBE study, we further show that the effects of job crafting on both in-role and extra-role performance are partially moderated by the cultural practices of in-group collectivism, future orientation, performance orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. By doing so, we illuminate the cultural circumstances under which job crafting behaviors are more suitable and where job crafting is less effective as a way to improve individuals’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))756k

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    Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (2022)

    Carleton, Cheryl; Kelly, Mary T.;


    Carleton, Cheryl & Mary T. Kelly (2022): Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (Villanova School of Business working paper 51), Villanova, PA, 31 S.


    "With the growing attachment of older workers to the labor force and their engagement in alternative work arrangements, it is important to investigate the characteristics of older cohorts of individuals who are in the labor market and the factors that influence job satisfaction, as job satisfaction may be a predictor of which older individuals are likely to continue to work and in what type of work arrangement. This study uses several recent years of the General Social Survey to both explore the characteristics of older workers and investigate what contributes to job satisfaction, controlling for both gender and work arrangement. It splits the sample of workers into two cohorts to test for differences in job satisfaction between those who are nearing retirement age (55-64) and those who continue to work post the traditional retirement age (65-80). For the sample as a whole, and similar to other studies, we find that job satisfaction is higher for women and for those who work in alternative work arrangements as compared to those in regular jobs. We also find that there are differences in what contributes to job satisfaction between the two groups of older workers. These outcomes may inform firms about what they might do in order to keep these workers as well as informing the government on whether it is necessary to rethink how some benefits are both provided and paid for." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    New insights into self-initiated work design: the role of job crafting, self-undermining and five types of job satisfaction for employee's health and work ability (2022)

    Döbler, Antonia-Sophie ; Wegge, Jürgen; Nowak, Joshua; Richter-Killenberg, Stefanie; Emmermacher, Andre;


    Döbler, Antonia-Sophie, Andre Emmermacher, Stefanie Richter-Killenberg, Joshua Nowak & Jürgen Wegge (2022): New insights into self-initiated work design: the role of job crafting, self-undermining and five types of job satisfaction for employee's health and work ability. In: German Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 113-147. DOI:10.1177/23970022211029023


    "The present study provides evidence for the important role of job crafting and self-undermining behaviors at work, two new concepts that were recently integrated into the well-known job demands-resources (JD-R) theory (Bakker and Demerouti, 2017). We investigate how these behaviors are associated with work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and work ability as a long-term indicator of employee’s well-being. Furthermore, we examine the moderating role of personal resources in the stress-strain process by comparing groups of employees representing the five types of job satisfaction defined by Bruggemann (1974). Data was collected in a cross-sectional study within a German DAX company’s manufacturing plant from 1145 blue- and white-collar workers. Results of structural equation modeling provided, as expected, support for an indirect effect of job demands and job resources on emotional exhaustion and work engagement through job crafting and self-undermining. Work ability, on the other hand, was mainly affected by emotional exhaustion, but not by work engagement. Most important, we found significant differences between path coefficients across the five types of job satisfaction indicating that these types represent important constellations of personal resources and job demands that should be considered both for analyzing stress at work and for offering tailored stress interventions in organizations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wie Arbeit, Transformation und soziale Lebenslagen mit anti-demokratischen Einstellungen zusammenhängen: Befunde einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage (2022)

    Hövermann, Andreas ; Kohlrausch, Bettina; Voss-Dahm, Dorothea;


    Hövermann, Andreas, Bettina Kohlrausch & Dorothea Voss-Dahm (2022): Wie Arbeit, Transformation und soziale Lebenslagen mit anti-demokratischen Einstellungen zusammenhängen. Befunde einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper Forschungsförderung 241), Düsseldorf, 78 S.


    "Die vorliegende Analyse präsentiert detaillierte Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage zum Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeit, sozialer Lebenslage, Digitalisierungserfahrungen, Einstellungen zum sozial-ökologischen Wandel und anti-demokratischen Einstellungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt sowie gute, sichere Arbeitsbedingungen vor anti-demokratischen Einstellungen schützen. Ebenso wird gezeigt, dass die konkrete politische Gestaltung von Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt und der sozial-ökologischen Transformation eine hohe Bedeutung hat für die demokratische Integration der Bürger:innen und damit für die Stabilität der Demokratie." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Viel Schatten, aber auch etwas Licht: Die Situation der Baubeschäftigten – Ergebnisse einer Online-Beschäftigtenbefragung (2022)

    Kümmerling, Angelika; Weinkopf, Claudia; Bosch, Gerhard; Hüttenhoff, Frederic;


    Kümmerling, Angelika, Gerhard Bosch, Frederic Hüttenhoff & Claudia Weinkopf (2022): Viel Schatten, aber auch etwas Licht. Die Situation der Baubeschäftigten – Ergebnisse einer Online-Beschäftigtenbefragung. (IAQ-Report 2022-06), Duisburg ; Essen, 24 S. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/76127


    "Eine Online-Befragung unter 3052 Baubeschäftigten zeigt, dass rund jeder vierte Beschäftigte in “näherer Zukunft“ beabsichtigt, seinen Arbeitgeber oder sogar die Branche zu wechseln. Baubeschäftigte beschreiben ihren Beruf als abwechslungsreich, vielfältig und lernförderlich und schätzen die Entscheidungsspielräume. Negativ werden die hohe körperliche Belastung und die Verdichtung der Arbeit durch neue Technologien gesehen. Ein hoher Anteil berichtet auch, dass der Fachkräftemangel in ihrem Betrieb bereits spürbar sei. Die Unzufriedenheit mit den Arbeitsbedingungen insgesamt, den Arbeitszeiten und der Bezahlung ist hoch und stellt einen Hauptgrund für Wechselabsichten dar. Nur gut jeder fünfte Arbeiter ist der Meinung, seinen Beruf bis zum gesetzlichen Renten-Einstiegsalter durchhalten zu können. Arbeiter wünschen sich einen Renteneintritt mit 60,7 Jahren, Angestellte mit 61,7 Jahren. Die Wechselneigung ist nicht betriebsunabhängig: Beschäftigte, die ihren Betrieb für zukunftsfähig halten und die das Betriebsklima als gut einschätzen, zeigen eine geringere Wechselneigung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The determinants of the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction across Europe (2022)

    Soboleva, Natalia ;


    Soboleva, Natalia (2022): The determinants of the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction across Europe. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 42, H. 11/12, S. 1180-1198. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-06-2021-0152


    "Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of work values and socio-demographic characteristics upon the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: The European Values Study (EVS) 2008–2009 is used as the dataset. The sample is limited to those who have paid jobs (28,653 cases). Findings: Socio-demographic characteristics matter more than work values in explaining the effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction. The association between life satisfaction and job satisfaction is stronger for higher educated individuals and those who are self-employed and weaker for women, married individuals, religious individuals and those who are younger. Extrinsic and intrinsic work values significantly influence life satisfaction independent of the level of job satisfaction. Practical implications It is important to pay attention to the working conditions and well-being of the core of the labour force, in other words, of those who are ready to invest more in their jobs. Also, special attention should be given to self-employment. Originality/value: The paper compares the roles of work values and of socio-demographic characteristics as predictors of the association between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. It shows that the role of job in person's life depends largely on demographic factors, religiosity and socio-economic factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction, Structure of Working Environment and Firm Size (2022)

    Tansel, Aysit;


    Tansel, Aysit (2022): Job Satisfaction, Structure of Working Environment and Firm Size. (IZA discussion paper 15397), Bonn, 27 S.


    "Employees' wellbeing is important to the firms. Analysis of job satisfaction may give insight into various aspect of labor market behavior, such as worker productivity, absenteeism and job turn over. Little empirical work has been done on the relationship between structure of working environment and job satisfaction. This paper investigates the relationship between working environment, firm size and worker job satisfaction. We use a unique data of 28,240 British employees, Workplace Employee Relations Survey. In this data set the employee questionnaire is matched with the employer questionnaire. Four measures of job satisfaction considered are satisfaction with influence over job, satisfaction with amount of pay, satisfaction with sense of achievement and satisfaction with respect from supervisors. They are all negatively related to the firm size implying lower levels of job satisfaction in larger firms. The firm size in return is negatively related to the degree of flexibility in the working environment. The small firms have more flexible work environments. This is the first study that explore the effect of work amenities. We further find that, contrary to the previous results lower levels of job satisfaction in larger firms can not necessarily be attributed to the inflexibility in their structure of working environment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Overqualification at Work: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature (2021)

    Erdogan, Berrin; Bauer, Talya N.;


    Erdogan, Berrin & Talya N. Bauer (2021): Overqualification at Work: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature. In: Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Jg. 8, S. 259-283. DOI:10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-012420-055831


    "Both perceived and objective measures of employee overqualification can impact job attitudes, various workplace behaviors, and work relationships. Utilizing motivation and capability-based theoretical approaches, this review summarizes research regarding the antecedents (demographic influences, personality traits, relational influences, job characteristics) and outcomes (individual health and well-being, turnover intentions and turnover, job performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, interpersonal relationships, innovative behaviors, counterproductive work behaviors, and career success) of overqualification. In addition, we review work done to date regarding the moderators and mediators of these relationships. Finally, we offer future directions for research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employees as reputation advocates: Dimensions of employee job satisfaction explaining employees’ recommendation intention (2021)

    Gross, Hellen P.; Willems, Jurgen ; Ingerfurth, Stefan;


    Gross, Hellen P., Stefan Ingerfurth & Jurgen Willems (2021): Employees as reputation advocates: Dimensions of employee job satisfaction explaining employees’ recommendation intention. In: Journal of Business Research, Jg. 134, S. 405-413. DOI:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.05.021


    "Reputation is a crucial asset for service organizations, in particular when actual service quality is hard to assess, e.g. in the context of hospitals. Employees and their recommendation intentions to other professionals and potential patients are crucial in the reputation building process. Against this background, we test with a quantitative-exploratory approach, for 1,022 employees in two German hospitals, how eleven dimensions of employees’ job satisfaction explain their recommendation intention on behalf of the hospital they work. Moreover, we explore this for different employee groups. Our results show that there are different employee job satisfaction dimensions explaining recommendation intention for different employee groups such as nurses, doctors, or employees in the administrative field. We frame our findings against the broad but scattered management literature that is relevant for job satisfaction and organizational reputation, and discuss implications for practice and further research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020 (2021)

    Gueguen, Guillaume; Senik, Claudia ;


    Gueguen, Guillaume & Claudia Senik (2021): Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020. (PSE working paper / Paris School of Economics 2021-65), Paris, 36 S.


    "Using the UK household longitudinal survey, we uncover a positive effect of work from home on life satisfaction, which is driven by partnered people and those without children at home. Concerning mental health, there is no average effect of telework, except for those living in rural areas, but this hides a dynamic evolution, as mental health initially deteriorates in the first months of telework, but improves after a period of adaptation, especially the feeling of being useful, of being a worthy person, and of being able to concentrate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link (2021)

    Isham, Amy; Mair, Simon; Jackson, Tim;


    Isham, Amy, Simon Mair & Tim Jackson (2021): Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link. In: Ecological economics, Jg. 184. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.106989


    "Labour productivity is a key concept for understanding the way modern economies use resources and features prominently in ecological economics. Ecological economists have questioned the desirability of labour productivity growth on both environmental and social grounds. In this paper we aim to contribute to ongoing debates by focusing on the link between labour productivity and worker wellbeing. First, we review the evidence for the happy-productive worker thesis, which suggests labour productivity could be improved by increasing worker wellbeing. Second, we review the evidence on ways that productivity growth may undermine worker wellbeing. We find there is experimental evidence demonstrating a causal effect of worker wellbeing on productivity, but that the relationship can also sometimes involve resource-intensive mediators. Taken together with the evidence of a negative impact on worker wellbeing from productivity growth, we conclude that a relentless pursuit of productivity growth is potentially counterproductive, not only in terms of worker wellbeing, but even in terms of long-term productivity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Being Your Own Boss and Bossing Others: The Moderating Effect of Managing Others on Work Meaning and Autonomy for the Self-Employed and Employees (2021)

    Nikolova, Milena ; Nikolaev, Boris ; Boudreaux, Christopher;


    Nikolova, Milena, Boris Nikolaev & Christopher Boudreaux (2021): Being Your Own Boss and Bossing Others. The Moderating Effect of Managing Others on Work Meaning and Autonomy for the Self-Employed and Employees. (IZA discussion paper 14909), Bonn, 37 S.


    "We examine the moderating role of being a supervisor for meaning and autonomy of self-employed and employed workers. We rely on regression analysis applied after entropy balancing based on a nationally representative dataset of over 80,000 individuals in 30 European countries for 2005, 2010, and 2015. We find that being a self-employed supervisor is correlated with more work meaningfulness and autonomy compared with being a salaried supervisor working for an employer. Wage supervisors and self-employed supervisors experience similar stress levels and have similar earnings, though self- employed supervisors work longer hours. Moreover, solo entrepreneurs experience slightly less work meaningfulness, but more autonomy compared with self-employed supervisors. This may be explained by the fact that solo entrepreneurs earn less but have less stress and shorter working hours than self- employed supervisors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inhabiting the Self-Work Romantic Utopia: Positive Psychology, Life Coaching, and the Challenge of Self-Fulfillment at Work (2021)

    Pagis, Michal ;


    Pagis, Michal (2021): Inhabiting the Self-Work Romantic Utopia: Positive Psychology, Life Coaching, and the Challenge of Self-Fulfillment at Work. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 48, H. 1, S. 40-69. DOI:10.1177/0730888420911683


    "Much has been said about the rise of work as a central identity marker in modern society. With the recent popularization of self-help and positive psychology, this identity marker broadened its signification to include new emotional needs such as love and passion, creating a new cultural imaginary: the “self-work romantic utopia.” Sociological studies have criticized this utopia as a myth that serves capitalist neoliberal structures, leading to frustration and self-blame. However, little is known about how workers themselves confront this myth and the strategies they employ when attempting to inhabit it in today’s precarious job market. Based on 60 in-depth interviews with upper-middle class Israeli workers who hired life coaches to improve their work experience, the author identifies five strategies used to inhabit this romantic utopia: starting over, healing, idealization, polygamy, and vision. Through the analysis of these strategies, the author illustrates how even the relatively privileged workers need to adapt the self-work romantic utopia to their life circumstances, inhabiting the myth in partial degrees. Such flexible implementation turns the “myth” into a cultural tool that directs workers’ lives and actions even in a precarious, unstable job market, maintaining subjective experiences of agency in a sphere characterized by growing structural constraints. Yet paradoxically, these strategies eventually strengthen the precarious, noncommitted, and individual-oriented structure of the job market, yielding flexible, individualistic solutions that replace workplace responsibility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Role of Employees' Age for the Relation between Job Autonomy and Sickness Absence (2020)

    Grund, Christian ; Rubin, Maike;


    Grund, Christian & Maike Rubin (2020): The Role of Employees' Age for the Relation between Job Autonomy and Sickness Absence. (IZA discussion paper 13945), Bonn, 27 S.


    "We investigate whether job autonomy is associated with employees' sickness absence. We can make use of the representative German Study of Mental Health at Work data. In line with our theoretical considerations, we do find evidence for an inverse relation between employees' job autonomy and days of sickness absence. This relation is only weakly mediated by job satisfaction and particularly relevant for more senior employees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Implications of work effort and discretion for employee well-being and career-related outcomes: An integrative assessment (2019)

    Avgoustaki, Argyro ; Ffrankort, Hans T. W.;


    Avgoustaki, Argyro & Hans T. W. Ffrankort (2019): Implications of work effort and discretion for employee well-being and career-related outcomes. An integrative assessment. In: ILR review, Jg. 72, H. 3, S. 636-661. DOI:10.1177/0019793918804540


    "How does work effort affect employee outcomes? The authors bridge distinct literatures on the well-being versus career-related implications of work effort by analyzing the relation of overtime work and work intensity to both types of outcomes. They also extend examination of the role of discretion in modifying the effects of work effort from well-being to career-related outcomes. Using data from the fifth and sixth European Working Conditions Surveys, the authors show that greater work effort relates strongly to reduced well-being and modestly to inferior career-related outcomes, while discretion may attenuate these adverse implications. Even with discretion, work intensity generally is a stronger predictor of unfavorable outcomes than is overtime work. Implications include the need for employees to become aware of the broader limitations of excessive work effort, for employers to give discretion when viable, and for public policy to devise strategies that help limit the adverse consequences of work intensity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does employee happiness have an impact on productivity? (2019)

    Bellet, Clément S.; De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel; Ward, George;


    Bellet, Clément S., Jan-Emmanuel De Neve & George Ward (2019): Does employee happiness have an impact on productivity? (CEP discussion paper 1655), London, 48 S.


    "This article provides quasi-experimental evidence on the relationship between employee happiness and productivity in the field. We study the universe of call center sales workers at British Telecom (BT), one of the United Kingdom's largest private employers. We measure their happiness over a 6- month period using a novel weekly survey instrument, and link these reports with highly detailed administrative data on workplace behaviors and various measures of employee performance. We show that workers make around 13% more sales in weeks where they report being happy compared to weeks when they are unhappy. Exploiting exogenous variation in employee happiness arising from weather shocks local to each of the 11 call centers, we document a strong causal effect of happiness on labor productivity. These effects are driven by workers making more calls per hour, adhering more closely to their workflow schedule, and converting more calls into sales when they are happier. No effects are found in our setting of happiness on various measures of high-frequency labor supply such as attendance and break taking." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sinnstiftendes Management: Welche Faktoren das Sinnerleben der Mitarbeiter beeinflussen (2019)

    Busse, Ronald;


    Busse, Ronald (2019): Sinnstiftendes Management. Welche Faktoren das Sinnerleben der Mitarbeiter beeinflussen. In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation, Jg. 88, H. 2, S. 130-138.


    "Extrinsische Anreize sind weit verbreitet, haben aber meistens nur einen kurzfristigen Motivationseffekt. Der Frage, welche organisationalen Bedingungen bereitgestellt werden müssen, damit Mitarbeiter intrinsisch motiviert sind, wird in diesem Beitrag nachgegangen. Dabei wird die Methode des vernetzten Denkens nach Frederic Vester angewandt." (Autorenreferat, © 2019 Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft - Steuern - Recht GmbH, Stuttgart)

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    The role of job satisfaction and local labor market conditions for the dissolution of worker-job matches (2019)

    Hinz, Tina ; Lechmann Daniel S. J., ;


    Hinz, Tina (2019): The role of job satisfaction and local labor market conditions for the dissolution of worker-job matches. (Universität Erlangen, Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Arbeitsmarkt- und Regionalpolitik. Diskussionspapiere 109), Erlangen, 27 S.


    "Der Artikel untersucht den Zusammenhang von Arbeitszufriedenheit und der Auflösung von Arbeitsverhältnissen. Wir verwenden Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels (SOEP) für Deutschland und schätzen multinomiale Logitmodelle mit zufälligen Effekten, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Auflösung eines Arbeitsverhältnisses zu untersuchen. In Übereinstimmung mit der Literatur finden wir einen negativen Zusammenhang zwischen der Arbeitszufriedenheit und der Auflösung eines Arbeitsverhältnisses. Wir zeigen, dass dieser Zusammenhang vollständig durch weniger zufriedene Individuen verursacht wird, da die Auflösungswahrscheinlichkeit bei zufriedeneren Arbeitnehmern nicht mit deren Arbeitszufriedenheit variiert. Allerdings verharren selbst die meisten der sehr unzufriedenen Arbeitnehmer in deren aktuellen Arbeitsverhältnissen. Wir zeigen, dass der Effekt der Arbeitszufriedenheit auf die Auflösung des Arbeitsverhältnisses sowohl mit den regionalen Arbeitsmarktbedingungen als auch mit der Art der Auflösung (Wechsel in anderes Beschäftigungsverhältnis oder in Nichterwerbstätigkeit) zusammenhängt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit - Ein Berufsgruppenvergleich von verbeamteten Lehrkräften, Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und Erwerbstätigen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen (2019)

    Kiel, Ewald; Braun, Annika; Hillert, Andreas; Bäcker, Klaus; Weiß, Sabine;


    Kiel, Ewald, Annika Braun, Andreas Hillert, Klaus Bäcker & Sabine Weiß (2019): Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit - Ein Berufsgruppenvergleich von verbeamteten Lehrkräften, Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und Erwerbstätigen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen. In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, Jg. 73, H. 3, S. 324-336. DOI:10.1007/s41449-019-00159-w


    "Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Befindlichkeit und das Erleben von beruflicher Verausgabung und Gratifikation in einem Berufsgruppenvergleich mit verbeamteten Lehrkräften sowie Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und in Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Mittels eines Online-Verfahrens wurden insgesamt 24.516 Erwerbstätige der genannten Berufsgruppen zu Symptomen von Depressivität, Ängstlichkeit und Stress befragt, erhoben durch die Depressions-Angst-Stress-Skalen (DASS). Die Wahrnehmung von beruflicher Verausgabung und Gratifikation erfolgte durch die Skalen zur Effort-Reward-Imbalance von Siegrist. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass Depressivitäts-, Ängstlichkeits- und Stresssymptome mit der Art des Arbeitsverhältnisses in Bezug stehen: Angestellte in Unternehmen gefolgt von denen im öffentlichen Dienst zeigen die höchsten Werte in den DASS-Skalen und berichten zudem von einem geringeren Gratifikationserleben. Lehrkräfte erweisen sich als die Berufsgruppe mit der insgesamt günstigsten Einschätzung. Berufliche Sicherheit stellt sich hier als protektiver Faktor heraus, zusätzlich berichten Lehrkräfte von der höchsten Anerkennung durch Kollegen und Vorgesetzte.<br> Praktische Relevanz: Die abgeleiteten Maßnahmen sind explizit auf die Bedürfnisse der unterschiedlichen Erwerbstätigengruppen zugeschnitten. Bei im öffentlichen Dienst tätigen Personen sind immaterielle Gratifikationen bedeutsam, es sind beispielsweise institutionelle Formen der Rückmeldung zu etablieren, die Vorgesetzte für wertschätzende Kommunikation sensibilisieren. Für angestellte Mitarbeiter wären neben Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsfürsorge langfristige Beschäftigungsperspektiven zielführend, deren Bedeutung für die Befindlichkeit sichtbar wird." (Autorenreferat)

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    Employee wellbeing, productivity and firm performance (2019)

    Krekel, Christian; Ward, George; De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel;


    Krekel, Christian, George Ward & Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (2019): Employee wellbeing, productivity and firm performance. (CEP discussion paper 1605), London, 43 S.


    "Does higher employee wellbeing lead to higher productivity, and, ultimately, to tangible benefits to the bottom line of businesses? We survey the evidence and study this question in a meta-analysis of 339 independent research studies, including the wellbeing of 1,882,131 employees and the performance of 82,248 business units, originating from 230 independent organisations across 49 industries in the Gallup client database. We find a significant, strong positive correlation between employees' satisfaction with their company and employee productivity and customer loyalty, and a strong negative correlation with staff turnover. Ultimately, higher wellbeing at work is positively correlated with more business-unit level profitability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Helping with the kids? How family-friedly workplaces affect parental well-being and behavior (2019)

    Lauber, Verena; Storck, Johanna;


    Lauber, Verena & Johanna Storck (2019): Helping with the kids? How family-friedly workplaces affect parental well-being and behavior. In: Oxford economic papers, Jg. 71, H. 1, S. 95-118. DOI:10.1093/oep/gpy062


    "Despite political efforts, balancing work and family life is still challenging. This paper provides novel evidence on the effect of firm level interventions that seek to reduce the work - life conflict. The focus is on how childcare support affects the well-being, working time, and caring behaviour of mothers with young children. Since the mid-2000s and pushed by public policies, in Germany an increasing number of employers have become proactive and implemented more family-friendly workplaces. These changes over time allow us to suggest causal effects using a difference-in-differences-matching approach. Based on a large panel data set, we find evidence pointing to welfare enhancing effects of childcare support. Mothers who are likely to be constrained in their allocation of time especially increase their working time and use formal care more intensively. The rise in satisfaction levels is more pronounced if mothers are more career-orientated." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Flexible work and work-related outcomes: The role of perceived organizational alignment (2019)

    Zafari, Setareh; Hartner-Tiefenthaler, Martina; Theresia Koeszegi, Sabine;


    Zafari, Setareh, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler & Sabine Theresia Koeszegi (2019): Flexible work and work-related outcomes: The role of perceived organizational alignment. In: Management Revue, Jg. 30, H. 1, S. 63-92. DOI:10.5771/0935-9915-2019-1-63


    "Recent developments in information and communication technology have led to renewed interest in the impact of flexible work on work-related outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational identification and work engagement. Although there is a vast amount of literature indicating the positive association between job autonomy and work-related outcomes, there has been little discussion about the contextual conditions that strengthen this relationship. This paper analyzes the role of perceived organizational alignment as a conditional factor and shows that autonomy alone cannot explain an organization's success in improving work-related outcomes. An analysis of online survey from 481 employees shows that the perceived organizational alignment moderates the positive effect of autonomy on work-related outcomes in the context of flexible work. For employees who perceive organizational alignment to be high, the positive relationships are strengthened for work engagement and organizational identification, but attenuated for job satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fehlzeiten-Report 2018: Sinn erleben - Arbeit und Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft (2018)

    Badura, Bernhard; Schröder, Helmut; Ducki, Antje; Klose, Joachim; Meyer, Markus;


    Badura, Bernhard, Antje Ducki, Helmut Schröder, Joachim Klose & Markus Meyer (Hrsg.) (2018): Fehlzeiten-Report 2018. Sinn erleben - Arbeit und Gesundheit. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft. (Fehlzeiten-Report), Berlin: Springer London, 608 S.


    "Der vorliegende Fehlzeiten-Report beleuchtet das Thema 'Sinn erleben - Arbeit und Gesundheit' aus gesellschaftlicher, unternehmerischer und individueller Perspektive. Welche Rolle das Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) für die Förderung des Sinnerlebens spielen kann erörtern 28 Fachbeiträge u. a. mit folgenden Fragen: Welchen Zusammenhang gibt es zwischen dem Erleben von sinnhafter Erwerbsarbeit und der Gesundheit der Beschäftigten? Wie erleben Beschäftigte den 'Sinn ihrer Arbeit' und wie können Unternehmen ihre Mitarbeiter unterstützen, ihre Arbeit als sinnerfüllte Tätigkeiten zu erleben? Wie können Führungskräfte und das Unternehmensklima das Sinnerleben positiv beeinflussen? Welche Konzepte und Angebote gibt es im Rahmen des BGM, um zur Prävention von Sinnkrisen beizutragen?
    Darüber hinaus ist der Report durch umfassende Daten und Analysen ein wertvoller Ratgeber für alle, die Verantwortung für den Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz in Unternehmen tragen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Nonmonetary incentives and the implications of work as a source of meaning (2018)

    Cassar, Lea; Meier, Stephan;


    Cassar, Lea & Stephan Meier (2018): Nonmonetary incentives and the implications of work as a source of meaning. In: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 215-238. DOI:10.1257/jep.32.3.215


    "Empirical research in economics has begun to explore the idea that workers care about nonmonetary aspects of work. An increasing number of economic studies using survey and experimental methods have shown that nonmonetary incentives and nonpecuniary aspects of one's job have substantial impacts on job satisfaction, productivity, and labor supply. By drawing on this evidence and relating it to the literature in psychology, this paper argues that work represents much more than simply earning an income: for many people, work is a source of meaning. In the next section, we give an economic interpretation of meaningful work and emphasize how it is affected by the mission of the organization and the extent to which job design fulfills the three psychological needs at the basis of self-determination theory: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. We point to the evidence that not everyone cares about having a meaningful job and discuss potential sources of this heterogeneity. We sketch a theoretical framework to start to formalize work as a source of meaning and think about how to incorporate this idea into agency theory and labor supply models. We discuss how workers' search for meaning may affect the design of monetary and nonmonetary incentives. We conclude by suggesting some insights and open questions for future research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unfairness at work: well-being and quits (2018)

    D'Ambrosio, Conchita; Clark, Andrew E. ; Barazzetta, Marta;


    D'Ambrosio, Conchita, Andrew E. Clark & Marta Barazzetta (2018): Unfairness at work: well-being and quits. (IZA discussion paper 11318), Bonn, 24 S.


    "We here consider the effect of the level of income that individuals consider to be fair for the job they do, which we take as measure of comparison income, on both subjective well-being and objective future job quitting. In six waves of German Socio-Economic Panel data, the extent to which own labour income is perceived to be unfair is significantly negatively correlated with subjective well-being, both in terms of cognitive evaluations (life and job satisfaction) and affect (the frequency of feeling happy, sad and angry). Perceived unfairness also translates into objective labour-market behaviour, with current unfair income predicting future job quits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work engagement as a key for unlocking performance: An investigation across different organizational levels (2018)

    Gutermann, Daniela;


    Gutermann, Daniela (2018): Work engagement as a key for unlocking performance. An investigation across different organizational levels. Amsterdam, 225 S.


    "Constructive leadership and leaders' work engagement itself are important levers for employees' work engagement. Individual and organizational work engagement leads to individual and organizational performance. The Engagement-Index (ENG-I) is a statistically valiated and well accepted measurement of behavioral work engagement in organizations. These are the results of the dissertation by Daniela Gutermann.
    Work engagement
    Since people spend around one third of their day at work, the question of which factors enhance their well-being and their motivation at work is an important one. Moreover, organizations have to face several challenges, such as a quickly changing global economic market, digitalization, and continuous need for innovation. Work engagement is a construct that is an asset for both employees and organizations. Gutermann aims to answer the question which factors may foster work engagement within organizations and how this is related to individual and organizational performance across different organizational levels.
    Constructive and destructive leadership
    Daniela Gutermann investigated how constructive and destructive leadership is related to work engagement and which role leaders' work engagement itself may play for followers' tendency to engage in their work. Additionally, since a lot of organizations are interested in the topic of work engagement, she introduced a new engagement assessment - the Engagement Index (ENG-I) - that faces both, scientific and organizational requirements. Finally Gutermann analyzed the link between individual and organizational work engagement and performance by considering causality issues." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paying for what kind of performance?: performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs (2018)

    Jones, Daniel; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Tonin, Mirco;


    Jones, Daniel, Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos (2018): Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs. (CESifo working paper 7156), München, 40 S.


    "How does pay-for-performance (P4P) impact productivity, multitasking, and the composition of workers in mission-oriented jobs? These are central issues in sectors like education or healthcare. We conduct a laboratory experiment, manipulating compensation and mission, to answer these questions. We find that P4P has positive effects on productivity on the incentivized dimension of effort and negative effects on the non-incentivized dimension for workers in nonmission- oriented treatments. In mission-oriented treatments, P4P generates minimal change on either dimension. Participants in the non-mission sector - but not in the mission-oriented treatments - sort on ability, with lower ability workers opting out of the P4P scheme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The causal analysis of the development of the unemployment effect on life satisfaction (2018)

    Lerch, Nils;


    Lerch, Nils (2018): The causal analysis of the development of the unemployment effect on life satisfaction. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 991), Berlin, 51 S.


    "The long-term negative effects of unemployment, especially on subjective well-being, have been indicated by many studies. Therefore, unemployment and its effects on the individual life course must remain an important challenge for social policy. Many studies have focused on the cognitive component of subjective well-being, i.e., life satisfaction, and have analysed in particular its development during the unemployment period. The trajectory is usually characterized by the effects of anticipation, reaction and adaption. Studies have shown different findings regarding the shape of the effect development. The present study discusses the effect development in greater detail and analyses whether the development of the effect is different depending on unemployment experience using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and applying fixed effects regressions. The findings of this study support a non-linear effect development, which begins with the anticipation of unemployment. The trend can be described by a linear function and polynomials up to the fifth degree. The introduction of a model according to modern causal analysis and the interpretation of the dynamic development of the counterfactual outcomes are the secondary focuses of the study. A detailed discussion of causal assumptions and necessary control variables is needed to reveal the effect of unemployment on life satisfaction. The SOEP provides information about employment status on a monthly basis. This study shows possibilities for using this information for the construction of control groups and treatment groups and analyses with ideal episode patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Something to Celebrate (or not): The Differing Impact of Promotion to Manager on the Job Satisfaction of Women and Men (2018)

    Lup, Daniela ;


    Lup, Daniela (2018): Something to Celebrate (or not): The Differing Impact of Promotion to Manager on the Job Satisfaction of Women and Men. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 32, H. 2, S. 407-425. DOI:10.1177/0950017017713932


    "The literatures on gender status stereotyping and the 'glass-ceiling' have shown that women managers have more difficult job experiences than men, but whether these experiences result in lower job satisfaction is still an open question. Using fixed-effects models in a longitudinal national sample, this study examines differences in job satisfaction between women and men promoted into lower and higher-level management, after controlling for key determinants of job satisfaction. Results indicate that promotions to management are accompanied by an increase in job satisfaction for men but not for women, and that the differing effect lasts beyond the promotion year. Moreover, following promotion, the job satisfaction of women promoted to higher-level management even starts declining. The type of promotion (internal or lateral) does not modify this effect. By clarifying the relationship between gender, promotion to managerial position and job satisfaction, the study contributes to the literature on the gender gap in managerial representation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wir entscheiden! (2018)

    Petry, Prof. Dr. Thorsten;


    Petry, Prof. Dr. Thorsten (2018): Wir entscheiden! In: Personalmagazin, Jg. 20, H. 9, S. 31-33.


    "Mitarbeiter wollen sich direkt an Unternehmensentscheidungen und Führungsfragen beteiligen. Davon sind die meisten New Worker überzeugt. Doch inwiefern entspricht das tatsächlich dem Wunsch der Arbeitnehmer und wie weit sind die Unternehmen beim Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden? Eine aktuelle Studie der Hochschule Rhein-Main zeigt Antworten auf." (Autorenreferat, © Haufe-Lexware)

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    Does telework stress employees out?: a study on working at home and subjective well-being for wage/salary workers (2018)

    Song, Younghwan ; Gao, Jia;


    Song, Younghwan & Jia Gao (2018): Does telework stress employees out? A study on working at home and subjective well-being for wage/salary workers. (IZA discussion paper 11993), Bonn, 28 S.


    "Using data from the 2010, 2012, and 2013 American Time Use Survey Well-Being Modules, this paper examines how subjective well-being (SWB) varies between working at home and working in the workplace among wage/salary workers. Both OLS and individual fixed-effects models are employed for estimation, and the results are largely consistent. In general, we find that working at home is associated with a lower level of net affect and a higher probability of having unpleasant feelings relative to working in the workplace. We further decompose homeworking into telework and bringing work home and find that the effect of SWB varies by types of homeworking. In comparison with working in the workplace, telework increases stress in both samples of weekdays and weekends/holidays, and it also reduces net affect and increases unpleasantness in the sample of weekends/ holidays. In contrast, bringing work home on weekdays results in a lower level of net affect due to less happiness received. The only positive effect of homeworking we discover is that telework reduces tiredness on weekdays. As to the existence of gender difference in the effect of homeworking, our OLS results show that working at home is associated with positive affections for males but negative affections for females. However, fixedeffects models suggest that both males and females feel more stressed when teleworking, indicating the existence of individual heterogeneity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work Orientations, Well-Being and Job Content of Self-Employed and Employed Professionals (2018)

    Warr, Peter; Inceoglu, Ilke;


    Warr, Peter & Ilke Inceoglu (2018): Work Orientations, Well-Being and Job Content of Self-Employed and Employed Professionals. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 32, H. 2, S. 292-311. DOI:10.1177/0950017017717684


    "Drawing on psychology-derived theories and methods, a questionnaire survey compared principal kinds of work orientation, job content and mental well-being between self-employed and organisationally employed professional workers. Self-employment was found to be particularly associated with energised well-being in the form of job engagement. The presence in self-employment of greater challenge, such as an enhanced requirement for personal innovation, accounted statistically for self-employed professionals' greater job engagement, and self-employed professionals more strongly valued personal challenge than did professionals employed in an organisation. However, no between-role differences occurred in respect of supportive job features such as having a comfortable workplace. Differences in well-being, job content and work orientations were found primarily in comparison between self-employees and organisational non-managers. The study emphasises the need to distinguish conceptually and empirically between different forms of work orientation, job content and well-being, and points to the value of incorporating psychological thinking in some sociological research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Was ist der Sinn dahinter? (2018)

    Weckmüller, Prof. Dr. Heiko;


    Weckmüller, Prof. Dr. Heiko (2018): Was ist der Sinn dahinter? In: Personalmagazin, Jg. 20, H. 9, S. 27-29.


    "Auf der Suche nach dem Sinn der Arbeit: Seit die New-Work- Bewegung sich dies auf die Fahnen geschrieben hat, lastet ein regelrechter Druck auf dem einzelnen Mitarbeiter, die einzig sinnstiftende Arbeit zu finden. Und Unternehmen versuchen, ihren Arbeitnehmern diesen Sinn nahezubringen - schließlich wollen sie ihre Fachkräfte nicht verlieren. Eine nähere Analyse der Ergebnisse des DGB-Index 'Gute Arbeit' zeigt, wie sinnstiftend Arbeitnehmer ihren Job tatsächlich empfinden und welche Effekte das für sie und die Unternehmen hat." (Autorenreferat, © Haufe-Lexware)

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    Turnover intentions in a call center: the role of emotional dissonance, job resources, and job satisfaction (2018)

    Zito, Margherita; Emanuel, Federica ; Colombo, Lara; Ghislieri, Chiara ; Cortese, Claudio Giovanni; Molino, Monica;


    Zito, Margherita, Federica Emanuel, Monica Molino, Claudio Giovanni Cortese, Chiara Ghislieri & Lara Colombo (2018): Turnover intentions in a call center. The role of emotional dissonance, job resources, and job satisfaction. In: PLoS one, Jg. 13, H. 2, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0192126


    "Background: Turnover intentions refer to employees' intent to leave the organization and, within call centers, it can be influenced by factors such as relational variables or the perception of the quality of working life, which can be affected by emotional dissonance. This specific job demand to express emotions not felt is peculiar in call centers, and can influence job satisfaction and turnover intentions, a crucial problem among these working contexts. This study aims to detect, within the theoretical framework of the Job Demands-Resources Model, the role of emotional dissonance (job demand), and two resources, job autonomy and supervisors' support, in the perception of job satisfaction and turnover intentions among an Italian call center.
    Method: The study involved 318 call center agents of an Italian Telecommunication Company. Data analysis first performed descriptive statistics through SPSS 22. A path analysis was then performed through LISREL 8.72 and tested both direct and indirect effects.
    Results: Results suggest the role of resources in fostering job satisfaction and in decreasing turnover intentions. Emotional dissonance reveals a negative relation with job satisfaction and a positive relation with turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction is negatively related with turnover and mediates the relationship between job resources and turnover.
    Conclusion: This study contributes to extend the knowledge about the variables influencing turnover intentions, a crucial problem among call centers. Moreover, the study identifies theoretical considerations and practical implications to promote well-being among call center employees. To foster job satisfaction and reduce turnover intentions, in fact, it is important to make resources available, but also to offer specific training programs to make employees and supervisors aware about the consequences of emotional dissonance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction?: micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage (2017)

    Bossler, Mario ; Broszeit, Sandra;


    Bossler, Mario & Sandra Broszeit (2017): Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction? Micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage. In: Labour, Jg. 31, H. 4, S. 480-493., 2017-02-10. DOI:10.1111/labr.12117


    "In Deutschland wurde am 1. Januar 2015 der gesetzliche Mindestlohn von EURO 8.50 pro Arbeitsstunde eingeführt. Mit einer Analyse von Differenzen-in-Differenzen schätzen wir den Effekt auf Outcomes von anhaltend Beschäftigten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen deutlichen absoluten Anstieg in der Entlohnungszufriedenheit von betroffenen Personen. Änderungen in der generellen Jobzufriedenheit sind weitestgehend durch den Anstieg in der Entlohnungszufriedenheit getrieben, sodass nur ein kleiner Effekt auf andere Dimensionen der Jobzufriedenheit bestehen bleibt. Effekte des Mindestlohns auf den Arbeitseinsatz und die Bleibebereitschaft zeigen sich nicht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Qualität der Arbeit 2017: Geld verdienen und was sonst noch zählt (2017)

    Crößmann, Anja; Kottenbrink, Barbara; Günther, Lisa; Marder-Puch, Katharina; Hannappel, Monika; Burk, Martina;


    Crößmann, Anja, Lisa Günther & Katharina Marder-Puch (2017): Qualität der Arbeit 2017. Geld verdienen und was sonst noch zählt. Wiesbaden, 71 S.


    "Die Arbeit spielt im Leben der meisten Menschen nicht nur zur Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts eine zentrale Rolle. Am Arbeitsplatz werden viele Stunden des Tages verbracht - oft mehr Zeit, als für Familie, Freunde und Freizeit zur Verfügung steht. Ein guter Job ist deshalb für viele Menschen eine wichtige Voraussetzung für Zufriedenheit und Lebensqualität. In der Broschüre werden sieben Dimensionen unterschieden, um die qualitativen Aspekte der Arbeit abzubilden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Human resource management and family-friendly work practices: Mechanisms, boundary conditions and employee-based outcomes (2017)

    Ebert, Julia;


    Ebert, Julia (2017): Human resource management and family-friendly work practices. Mechanisms, boundary conditions and employee-based outcomes. (Schriftenreihe Strategic human capital management 05), München: HCM-Verlag, 240 S.


    "As part of their employee-oriented human resource management (HRM) systems, firms increasingly offer family-friendly work practices (FFWP) that are intended to help employees reconcile their work life with their private responsibilities. These include flexible working time arrangements, telework, childcare support, and related practices. While the public debate predominantly assumes that these practices positively affect firm performance, empirical research provides only limited evidence for the assumption. Therefore, research has focused on mediating mechanisms like employee attitudes and behaviors. This dissertation analyzes the effects of HRM practices and FFWP on attitudinal and behavioral employee outcomes by studying mechanisms, boundary conditions, and comparing methodological approaches. The first two studies empirically examine the influence of FFWP on two important retention-related outcomes, that is, voluntary turnover, and mother┐s return to their employer after childbirth. The third study considers the potential interactive nature of HRM practices. It evaluates two different methodological approaches for identifying interactions between HRM practices: hierarchical linear models and neural networks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Relationships between followers' behaviors and job satisfaction in a sample of nurses (2017)

    Gatti, Paola ; Cortese, Claudio G.; Ghislieri, Chiara ;


    Gatti, Paola, Chiara Ghislieri & Claudio G. Cortese (2017): Relationships between followers' behaviors and job satisfaction in a sample of nurses. In: PLoS one, Jg. 12, H. 10, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0185905


    "The study investigated two followership behaviors, followers' active engagement and followers' independent critical thinking, and their relationship with job satisfaction in a sample of nurses. In addition, the study also considered a number of control variables and classical job demands and job resources - workload and emotional dissonance for job demands, and meaningful work for job resources - which have an impact on well-being at work. A paper-and-pencil questionnaire was administered to 425 nurses in an Italian hospital, and a hierarchical multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses. In addition to the job demands and job resources considered, followers' active engagement had a significant impact on job satisfaction. Moreover, it showed a significant linear and curvilinear relationship with the outcome variable. Followers' independent critical thinking has a non significant relationship with job satisfaction, confirming the mixed results obtained in the past for this dimension. These findings bore out the importance of analyzing followers' behaviors as potential resources that people can use on the job to increase their own well-being. Looking at followers not just as passive recipients but as active and proactive employees can also benefit the organization." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bedeutet hohe Arbeitszufriedenheit, dass die Arbeitsbedingungen gut sind? (2017)

    Hofbauer, Reinhard; Schwingsmehl, Michael;


    Hofbauer, Reinhard & Michael Schwingsmehl (2017): Bedeutet hohe Arbeitszufriedenheit, dass die Arbeitsbedingungen gut sind? In: Momentum Quarterly, Jg. 6, H. 2, S. 85-106. DOI:10.15203/momentumquarterly.vol6.no2.p85-106


    "Die Qualität des Arbeitslebens ist eine wichtige Dimension der Lebensqualität und findet in vielen modernen Wohlfahrtsmaßen Berücksichtigung. Sowohl objektive als auch subjektive Indikatoren kommen bei der Messung der Arbeitsplatzqualität zur Anwendung. Anhand von Daten einer Bevölkerungsbefragung wird gezeigt, dass von hoher Arbeitszufriedenheit, die mittels Single-Item-Fragen gemessen wird, nicht einfach auf gute Arbeitsbedingungen geschlossen werden kann. Arbeitszufriedenheit erweist sich als komplexes Konstrukt, in dem Adaptions- und Vergleichsprozesse eine wichtige Rolle spielen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Pay for performance and beyond (2017)

    Holmström, Bengt;


    Holmström, Bengt (2017): Pay for performance and beyond. In: The American economic review, Jg. 107, H. 7, S. 1753-1777. DOI:10.1257/aer.107.7.1753


    "Incentives are often associated with narrow financial rewards such as bonuses or executive stock options. But in general such rewards are just a small part of the design of incentives. Properly designed incentive systems have to take into account the full portfolio of activities that the agent can engage in, the array of instruments, many nonfinancial, that are available to influence individuals and consider the factors that motivate them in different settings. Thinking about incentives as a system of interacting instruments and influences has been a major advance in the economics of incentives in recent years. In this lecture I will describe the path from pay for performance to the broader view of incentive systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeit ohne Sinn gefährdet die Produktivität (2017)

    Jeworrek, Sabrina ;


    Jeworrek, Sabrina (2017): Arbeit ohne Sinn gefährdet die Produktivität. In: Wirtschaft im Wandel, Jg. 23, H. 3, S. 49-52.


    "Arbeit ohne Sinn ruft nicht nur negative Emotionen wie Enttäuschung oder das Gefühl, ersetzbar zu sein, hervor; vielmehr wird auch die zukünftige Arbeitsmotivation der Beschäftigten beeinflusst. Eine experimentelle Studie, die auf einer realen Arbeitssituation beruht, zeigt, dass Beschäftigte einen signifikant niedrigeren Arbeitseinsatz leisten, wenn ein vorangegangenes Projekt seinen ursprünglichen Sinn verloren hat. Die Information, dass das Projekt auch einen alternativen Zweck erfüllte, kompensiert die negativen Effekte allerdings vollständig, sowohl was den Arbeitseinsatz als auch den emotionalen Zustand der Beschäftigten angeht. Unternehmen und Personalverantwortliche sollten daher die Sinnhaftigkeit von Arbeitsaufgaben klar an ihre Beschäftigten kommunizieren sowie versuchen, auch gescheiterten Projekten eine Sinnhaftigkeit beizumessen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Organizational context and employee reactions to psychological contract breach: A multilevel test of competing theories (2017)

    Jiang, Lixin; Benson, Wendi L.; Probst, Tahira M. ;


    Jiang, Lixin, Tahira M. Probst & Wendi L. Benson (2017): Organizational context and employee reactions to psychological contract breach. A multilevel test of competing theories. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 513-534. DOI:10.1177/0143831X15579288


    "This study examines how organizational context affects employee reactions to perceived psychological contract breach. Using Conservation of Resources and Social Comparison theories, the authors develop competing hypotheses regarding the potential exacerbating vs. buffering effects of organizational context on the relationships between psychological contract breach and job security satisfaction, job satisfaction, work - family conflict, and burnout. They collected a multi-source, multilevel data set composed of faculty and departmental administrators at a university experiencing repeated budget reductions. It was found that psychological contract breach was related to detrimental job outcomes (i.e., decreased job security satisfaction and job satisfaction, increased work - family conflict, and burnout). However, this relationship was stronger among faculty in departments reporting low rather than high departmental budget cuts, thus supporting Social Comparison theory rather than Conservation of Resources theory. Social comparison matters when it comes to psychological contract breach." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mobile Arbeit: eine Analyse des verarbeitenden Gewerbes auf Basis der IG Metall-Beschäftigtenbefragung 2017 (2017)

    Piele, Christian; Piele, Alexander; Freitag, Fabian; Landesvatter, Camille ;


    Piele, Christian & Alexander Piele (2017): Mobile Arbeit. Eine Analyse des verarbeitenden Gewerbes auf Basis der IG Metall-Beschäftigtenbefragung 2017. Stuttgart, 43 S.


    "Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit dem Themenfeld der örtlich flexiblen Arbeit. Die örtlich flexible Arbeit hat in den vergangenen Jahren eine stetig größere Verbreitung und deutlich andere Qualität gewonnen. Angefangen vom örtlich fixierten Home-Office hat diese Form des Arbeitens mit dem Mobile-Office aktuell eine wesentlich weitere Ebene der örtlichen Flexibilisierung erreicht. Mit den heutigen technischen Möglichkeiten ist örtlich flexibles Arbeiten nicht mehr in Hauptsache zu Hause, sondern an fast jedem frei wählbaren Ort möglich.
    Wichtig für Beschäftigte in örtlich flexibler Arbeit ist die Tatsache ob diese Form der Arbeit selbstbestimmt oder dem Tätigkeitsbereich immanent und damit fremdbestimmt erfolgt. In vorliegender Untersuchung liegt die selbstbestimmte Form örtlich flexibler Arbeit - die mobile Arbeit - im Fokus." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Core self-evaluations and work engagement: testing a perception, action, and development path (2017)

    Tims, Maria ; Akkermans, Jos ;


    Tims, Maria & Jos Akkermans (2017): Core self-evaluations and work engagement. Testing a perception, action, and development path. In: PLoS one, Jg. 12, H. 8, S. 1-19. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0182745


    "Core self-evaluations (CSE) have predictive value for important work outcomes such as job satisfaction and job performance. However, little is known about the mechanisms that may explain these relationships. The purpose of the present study is to contribute to CSE theory by proposing and subsequently providing a first test of theoretically relevant mediating paths through which CSE may be related to work engagement. Based on approach/avoidance motivation and Job Demands-Resources theory, we examined a perception (via job characteristics), action (via job crafting), and development path (via career competencies). Two independent samples were obtained from employees working in Germany and The Netherlands (N = 303 and N = 404, respectively). When taking all mediators into account, results showed that the perception path represented by autonomy and social support played a minor role in the relationship between CSE and work engagement. Specifically, autonomy did not function as a mediator in both samples while social support played a marginally significant role in the CSE - work engagement relationship in sample 1 and received full support in sample 2. The action path exemplified by job crafting mediated the relationship between CSE and work engagement in both samples. Finally, the development path operationalized with career competencies mediated the relationship between CSE and work engagement in sample 1. The study presents evidence for an action and development path over and above the often tested perception path to explain how CSE is related to work engagement. This is one of the first studies to propose and show that CSE not only influences perceptions but also triggers employee actions and developmental strategies that relate to work engagement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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