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Class and gender transformations in Nuremberg (Germany)


"This article describes how class and gender manifest themselves in the transformation region of Nuremberg and illustrates the changes. Class and gender are dynamic social identities which can change in connection with transformation processes of the general social, economic and political situation. Class and gender are the products of an internally unequal society, which is structured alongside social factors, such as power and the possession of economic, symbolic, social or cultural capital. Both class and gender define a position in the social structure and overlap with other factors, such as ethnicity and age (see theory of intersectionality: Brah and Phoenix 2004). Class and gender are defined in terms of relations to others (Bourdieu 1986). Their substances are properties, lifestyle practices and particular sets of experiences. In this article, class and gender are regarded as categories of social science, which do not have to be named directly by the interviewees, but can be inferred - a task for a social scientist - from the collected data. It should be noted that biographical narratives are by no means neutral or constitute objective history lessons. Instead, the biographical narrative serves the interviewee to give an interpretation of his own life. In retrospect, the narrator makes sense of his life and establishes his own identity by means of the narrative (Ricoeur 1991). Class and gender are part of this individual identity. When recounting past events, the narrator looks at what he already experienced from the perspective of the present. Depending on the present situation, experiences from the past may now be seen in a different light, dropped from memory as irrelevant or they might be retold." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Meier, Lars (2012): Class and gender transformations in Nuremberg (Germany). Biographical memories. In: K. Wódz & M. Gnieciak (Hrsg.) (2012): Restructuring Class and Gender : six case studies, S. 180-201.