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"Exclusion from steady employment is widespread in Denmark, Finland, and Germany"


"Regina Konle-Seidl explains in this video interview the concept of chronic unemployment. In many European countries considerable segments of the labour force seem to be excluded from steady employment on the regular labour market. The concept of chronic unemployment aims at capturing this exclusion and goes far beyond the common indicator 'long-term unemployment'. A comparison of both indicators for Denmark, Finland, and Germany reveals astonishing differences. Konle-Seidl explains these differences and gives political recommendations how to reduce high rates of chronic unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Winters, Jutta; Regina Konle-Seidl (interviewte Person) (2019): "Exclusion from steady employment is widespread in Denmark, Finland, and Germany". An interview with Regina Konle-Seidl. In: IAB-Forum H. 09.10.2019, o. Sz.


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