Employment adjustments following rises and reductions in minimum wages: New insights from a survey experiment
"The effects of large minimum wage increases are still unknown. Our survey experiment randomly assigns increases or decreases in minimum wages to German establishments and asks about employers' expectations concerning employment adjustments. The larger the increase in the minimum wage is, the larger the expected reduction in employment. The reduction is stronger in plants that are more strongly affected by the current national minimum wage and in plants that have neither collective agreements nor a works council. In contrast, employment expectations do not increase if the minimum wage is reduced. This mainly reflects that few plants would cut wages." (Autorenreferat, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons)
Bossler, Mario, Michael Oberfichtner & Claus Schnabel (2020): Employment adjustments following rises and reductions in minimum wages: New insights from a survey experiment. In: Labour, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 323-346. DOI:10.1111/labr.12168
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- frühere (möglicherweise abweichende) Version erschienen als: IZA discussion paper, 11747
- frühere (möglw. abweichende) Version erschienen als: LASER discussion papers , 109
- frühere (möglw. abweichende) Version erschienen als: IZA discussion paper , 11747
- frühere (möglw. abweichende) Version erschienen als: FAU Discussion papers in economics , 11/2018