Short-time work: Does it save jobs?
"During the Great Recession, 25 of 33 OECD countries have used some version of short-time work, a form of publicly subsidised working-time reductions. This column argues that despite its popularity, knowledge of the macroeconomic effects of this measure is limited. Using Germany as a case study, it's clear that the existence of a short-time work system stabilises the economy and reduces job losses by roughly 20% during a recession. However, short-time work is a lot less effective for Anglo-Saxon labour markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Balleer, Almut, Britta Gehrke, Wolfgang Lechthaler & Christian Merkl (2013): Short-time work: Does it save jobs? In: VOX H. 12.07.2013, o. Sz.