Income support, (un-)employment and well-being
"Using specific panel data of German welfare benefit recipients, we investigate the nonpecuniary life satisfaction effects of in-work benefits. Our empirical strategy combines difference-indifference designs with synthetic control groups to analyze transitions of workers between unemployment, regular employment and employment accompanied by welfare receipt. Working makes people generally better off than being unemployed, but employed welfare recipients do not reach the life satisfaction level of regular employees. This implies that welfare receipt entails non-compliance with the norm to make one's own living. Our findings allow us to draw cautious conclusions on employment subsidies paid as welfare benefits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Hetschko, Clemens, Ronnie Schöb & Tobias Wolf (2016): Income support, (un-)employment and well-being. (CESifo working paper 6016), München, 30 S.