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Undercoverage-nonresponse trade-off


"To study the undercoverage-nonresponse tradeoff, we begin in Section 5.2 with documented examples of the tradeoff and in Section 5.3 present a simple example of how the tradeoff might arise in the context of a landline and mobile phone survey. We then introduce the concept of response propensity (RP), which may be familiar to some readers, and the related idea of coverage propensity (CP): the likelihood of a given rase to be included in a survey's frame (Section 5.4). Building an these concepts, in Section 5.5, we develop a simulation model and explore how the relationship between coverage and response propensities affects response and coverage rates and undercoverage and nonresponse bias. In Section 5.6, we bring the simulation results back to the real world and discuss the implications of the simulation for survey practice and survey costs." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Eckman, Stephanie & Frauke Kreuter (2017): Undercoverage-nonresponse trade-off. In: P. P. Biemer, E. de Leeuw, S. Eckman, B. Edwards, F. Kreuter, L. E. Lyberg, N. C. Tucker & B. T. West (Hrsg.) (2017): Total survey error in practice, S. 97-113.