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Overcoming fragility in Africa


"The 2009 European Report on Development analyses the costs and characteristics of fragility (part 1), the capacity of fragile countries to cope with negative shocks such as the 2008-09 financial crisis (part 2), and the EU's current engagement with fragile countries as well as the potential for EU development policy to assist national stakeholders in enhancing resilience (part 3). The focus is on Sub-Saharan Africa because this region appears to be particularly lagging behind in the sphere of state consolidation; a stylised fact survives all the theoretical disputes around the definition and measurement of fragility: Sub-Saharan African countries always account for most of the group of fragile states." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Giovanetti, Giorgia, Franklin Allen, Simone Bertoli, Shailaja Fennell, Wendy Harcourt, Marta Reynal-Querol, Marco Sanfilippo, Elisa Ticci, Pascal Vennesson & Thierry Verdier (2009): Overcoming fragility in Africa. Forging a new European approach. (European Report on Development 2009), Florenz, 219 S.


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