Multiple episodes
"As in other advanced societies, education and training careers in Germany have extended and have become more complex over the last few decades. A considerable number of young people undertake additional episodes of formal training in spite of the fact that they have already successfully completed vocational or academic training. In previous research, extended and prolonged sequences of formal training have been attributed to the need for continuing up-skilling in an increasingly knowledge-based economy, individual value change in the sense of vocational de-alignment, but also transition problems at labour market entry. In this paper, we look at both types and determinants of educational careers: How widespread are those differentiated pathways? Who - in terms of previous educational attainment and labour market experience - undertakes multiple episodes of training? To what extent do individual sequences of education and training cross-cut structures of the educational system? The empirical analyses base upon recent German life-history data which allow us to study educational careers in detail. Our results lead us to two main conclusions: First, qualification levels increase significantly over individuals' life-time. Hence, a longitudinal perspective on intra-generational developments is necessary to get a valid account of educational participation in a 'learning society'. Second, multiple training episodes rather increase than compensate inter-individual differences in educational attainment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Hillmert, Steffen & Marita Jacob (2004): Multiple episodes. Training careers in a learning society. (Globalife working paper 64), Bamberg, 25 S.