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Who wants to live among racists? The impact of local right-wing attitudes on interregional labour migration in Germany


"Right-wing attitudes are increasing in most countries. Within the countries, there is a large variation in popularity. At the same time, regions are competing against each other to attract workers. This article examines the influence of right-wing attitudes at the regional level, measured by the electoral success of right-wing parties, on labour migration at the German district level. Using an empirical strategy that combines a treatment setup with entropy balancing, we find that right-wing attitudes in a district region significantly reduce in-migration to these regions. Across different groups, we find the strongest effects for young and high-skilled individuals. With respect to out-migration, right-wing attitudes do not encourage Germans to move away but encourage them to stay. For non-Germans, the effects are reversed; they tend to leave regions with high levels of right-wing attitudes, but with the exception of highly qualified individuals, they are also more likely to move to these regions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Buch, Tanja & Anja Rossen (2024): Who wants to live among racists? The impact of local right-wing attitudes on interregional labour migration in Germany. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2024.2443473