Measuring the impact of the German public shutdown on the spread of COVID-19
"We investigate the Impact of the German public shutdown from March 13 on the COVID-19 spread. In a simple model, we search for a trend break in cumulated confirmed COVID-19 cases as reported by the Johns Hopkins University (2020). We identify a trend break on March 20 that is in line with the expected lagged impact of the German policies and reduces the growth rate by 48.2%. While the growth rate has almost halved, the number of cases is still doubling every 5.35 days." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)
Hartl, Tobias, Klaus Wälde & Enzo Weber (2020): Measuring the impact of the German public shutdown on the spread of COVID-19. In: Covid economics H. 1, S. 25-32.