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Integration von Geflüchteten im Ländervergleich

Projektlaufzeit: 31.12.2017 bis 30.10.2018


Policies and practices to facilitate the labour market integration of beneficiaries of international protection is analysed in the main destination countries of asylum seekers in 2015/2016 , namely Austria, Germany and Sweden. The comparative analysis focuses on the development of policy strategies to adapt the asylum and integration system to the high numbers of new arrivals. A special attention is given to Innovative approaches with respect to labour market integration in the three countries. The descriptive analysis aims to provide lessons from recent policy developments and policy recommendations in order to improve labour market integration of asylum seekers and refugees.


Analyse von Ansätzen und Entwicklungen der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten in den drei europäischen Hauptaufnahmeländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweden.


Descriptive analysis combining macro indicators and available micro data on educational attainment, vocational skills and employment of asylum seekers and refugees in three main destination countries.


31.12.2017 - 30.10.2018