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The Effects of Caseworkers on Job Search Effort among the Unemployed

Projektlaufzeit: 31.08.2023 bis 30.12.2024


Caseworkers play a central role in the Unemployment Insurance (UI) system of most countries by assisting and monitoring job search as well as matching job seekers with active labor market programs. In this paper we explore whether caseworkers affect job search effort among unemployed job seekers in Germany. Using high frequency panel data on search effort from the SMS survey in DellaVigna et al (2022) matched with detailed information from the public employment agencies, we explore whether job seekers increase job search effort before or after meetings with caseworkers, after being sanctioned by caseworkers, and around participation in active labor market programs.


Das Projekt soll neue Erkenntnisse darüber liefern, wie Arbeitslose Personen Ihr Suchverhalten Anpassen, wenn Sie mit verschiedenen Ebenen der Aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik wie dem Arbeitsvermittlungsprozesses, teilnahme an Arbeitsmarktprogrammen in Verbindung kommen.


Event-Study Design


Amelie Schiprowski
31.08.2023 - 30.12.2024
31.08.2023 - 30.12.2024
Johannes F. Schmieder, Ph.D.
31.08.2023 - 30.12.2024
31.08.2023 - 30.12.2024