The Covid crisis revived the interest in the topic of short-time work (sometimes also known as furlough schemes or work sharing). In many countries, the schemes were utilised in unprecendented ways. The Institute for Employment Research organises a one-day online workshop on May 13, 2022 that focuses on current research on short-time work. Contributions may address the Covid crisis or previous economic crises. Both theoretical and applied papers with both micro- and macroeconomic approaches are welcome.
The workshop provides the opportunity for timely exchange on cutting-edge research on a specific topic. Presentations and discussions should spur the debate on usage, effects and design of a crucial labour market instrument.
Online (Zoom)
- Enzo Weber (IAB and University of Regensburg)
- Britta Gehrke (University of Rostock and IAB)
- 8:50 Uhr: Log-in and welcome
- 9:00 bis 10:00 Uhr:
- Optimal Short-time Work: Screening for Jobs at Risk
Julian Teichgräber (University of Zurich) - Optimal Short-Time Work: Policy in and outside Recessions
Gero Gerwin Stiepelmann (University of Bonn)
- Optimal Short-time Work: Screening for Jobs at Risk
- 10:00 bis 10:30 Uhr:
Giulia Giupponi (Bocconi University) - 10:30 bis 10:45: Pause
- 10:45 bis 12:15 Uhr: Flash-talks on short-time work in different countries
- Being young and in short-time work during the pandemic: uptake, duration and consequences
Stefan Vogtenhuber (University of Vienna) - Three lessons from the Danish wage compensation scheme
Saman Darougheh (Danish Central Bank) - The impact of the COVID-19 crisis across different socio-economic groups and the role of job retention schemes: The case of Switzerland
Dorit Griga (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO) - Short time work : what to do with the additional available time?
Toralf Pusch (Böckler Stiftung) - Germany’s Labour Market in Coronavirus distress – new challenges to safeguarding
Ulrike Stein (Böckler Stiftung) - STW in international perspective
Britta Gehrke (University of Rostock)
- Being young and in short-time work during the pandemic: uptake, duration and consequences
- 12:15 bis 13:15 Uhr: Lunch break
- 13:15 bis 14:15 Uhr: (Un-)Employment effects of short-time work
- Temporary paid furlough in the midst of an unprecedented
Javier Garcia Clemente (University of Huelva) - Failing Young and Temporary Workers: The impact of a disruptive crisis on a dual labour market
Joao Pereirados Santos (RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic ResearchI)
- Temporary paid furlough in the midst of an unprecedented
- 14:15 bis 14:30 Uhr: Break
- 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr: Short-time work, recessions and aggregate demand
- The effectiveness of job-retention schemes: COVID-19 evidence from the German states
Mai Chi Dao (IMF) - Short-time work and precautionary savings
Thomas Dengler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- The effectiveness of job-retention schemes: COVID-19 evidence from the German states
- 15:30 bis 16:00 Uhr: tba,
Pierre Cahuc (Sciences Po)