The presentation is about the nature and how to clean errors in occupational coding in order to measure patterns of occupational mobility (US, UK and Canada). Furthermore it is shed light on how occupational mobility matters for cyclical earnings inequality (based on Carrillo-Tudela, Visschers and Wiczer, 2019), unemployment and its duration distribution (based on Carrillo-Tudela and Visschers, 2019) and cleansing and sullying effects of the business cycle (based on Carrillo-Tudela, Sumerfield and Visschers, 2019).
, 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Zu Gast
Professor Carlos Carrillo-Tudela,
University of Essex
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
Regensburger Straße 100
Raum E10
90478 Nürnberg