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Solo-Selbstständige – zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Prekariat

Als Solo-Selbstständige werden diejenigen Gründerinnen und Gründer bezeichnet, die keine weiteren sozialversicherungspflichtigen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer beschäftigen. Sie bilden mittlerweile die Mehrheit der beruflich Selbstständigen in Deutschland. Die Infoplattform informiert über die empirische Forschung zu den Solo-Selbstständigen.

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    Self‐Employment and Labor Market Risks (2024)

    Audoly, Richard ;


    Audoly, Richard (2024): Self‐Employment and Labor Market Risks. In: International Economic Review, S. 1-26. DOI:10.1111/iere.12732


    "I study the labor market risks associated with self-employment. I document that the self-employed are subject to larger earnings fluctuations than employees and frequently transition into unemployment. I analyze the provision of benefits targeted at these risks using a calibrated search model with (i) precautionary savings, (ii) work opportunities in paid- and self-employment, and (iii) skill heterogeneity. Extending the U.S. unemployment insurance scheme to the self-employed increases the transition rate from self-employment to unemployment and yields an unequal benefits to contributions ratio across skill groups. At the calibrated parameters, the self-employed in the middle of the skill distribution lose welfare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Are you in or are you out? A longitudinal person-centered study of health and entrance and exit into self-employment (2024)

    Bergman, Louise E. ; Bernhard-Oettel, Claudia ; Bujacz, Aleksandra ; Toivanen, Susanna ; Leineweber, Constanze ;


    Bergman, Louise E., Aleksandra Bujacz, Constanze Leineweber, Susanna Toivanen & Claudia Bernhard-Oettel (2024): Are you in or are you out? A longitudinal person-centered study of health and entrance and exit into self-employment. In: Business research quarterly. DOI:10.1177/23409444241277831


    "This study addresses the scarcity of research on health developments in the heterogeneous group of self-employed workers. It aims at understanding typical health progressions in this group and associations with demographic factors, work characteristics, and self-employment decisions. We investigate health profiles based on mental health problems, self-rated health, and work satisfaction, as well as transitions between them in relation to work effort, reward, overcommitment, demographic characteristics, and entrance and exit into self-employment. Using latent transition analysis, we analyzed data from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH), including data from 593 participants. We identified four distinct, stable health profiles, revealing associations with work effort, reward, overcommitment, and self-employment decisions. No meaningful relations existed for demographic characteristics. Overall, the findings offer a comprehensive perspective on the health dynamics of self-employed individuals, their associations with work characteristics and decisions to enter and exit self-employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Entrepreneurial worries: Self-employment and potential loss of well-being (2024)

    Binder, Martin ;


    Binder, Martin (2024): Entrepreneurial worries: Self-employment and potential loss of well-being. In: Journal of Economic Psychology, Jg. 105. DOI:10.1016/j.joep.2024.102773


    "The relationship between self-employment and life satisfaction has been shown to be heterogeneous in the literature. This paper analyzes a channel through which lower well-being can come about for the self-employed, namely, their worries about their business (“entrepreneurial worries”). Using a two-way fixed effects estimator on German panel data (1984–2020), I find no overall effect of becoming self-employed on life satisfaction, and heterogeneity analysis shows that only those self-employed individuals who change from unemployment to self-employment report higher life satisfaction. Mediation analysis reveals that worries about one’s financial situation (and, to some extent, job security) mediate the relationship between self-employment and life satisfaction. Life satisfaction decreases as self-employed individuals worry more about their financial situation as a result of becoming self-employed. Only if one does not worry about one’s financial situation at all does self-employment contributepositively to life satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.) ((en))

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    Solo self-employment - Key policy challenges (2024)

    Cieslik, Jerzy; van Stel, André ;


    Cieslik, Jerzy & André van Stel (2024): Solo self-employment - Key policy challenges. In: Journal of Economic Surveys, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 759-792. DOI:10.1111/joes.12559


    "This study reviews key policy challenges relating to solo self-employed workers––the segment with increasing shares in the workforce in most developed countries in recent decades. We document that this segment attracts the attention of policymakers within four policy domains: addressing decent work deficits, entrepreneurship and small business policies, activating marginalized groups through self-employment, and improving the well-being of the solo self-employed. We offer an integrative framework enabling the analysis of synergies and contradictions of the various policy initiatives targeting the solo self-employed. The study argues that workers who persistently employ only themselves should be understood as a (third) segment of the labor market qualitatively distinct from the traditionally defined categories of “employee” or “employer.” A policy-oriented segmentation of the contemporary workforce using this “blurred trinary divide” is proposed with size estimates of its key segments and subsegments. Finally, the study discusses the prospects of the solo self-employed in the emerging post-pandemic economy and offers recommendations regarding future research and data collection." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Entrepreneur characteristics and determinants of self-employment across Europe (2024)

    Coates, Dermot; Lawless, Martina ;


    Coates, Dermot & Martina Lawless (2024): Entrepreneur characteristics and determinants of self-employment across Europe. (ESRI working paper / Economic and Social Research Institute 772), Dublin, 38 S.


    "Entrepreneurship is a key driver of jobs and innovation. This paper examines the prevalence of entrepreneurship across Europe and characteristics of those who become entrepreneurs. We place a particular focus on the distinction between opportunity and necessity motivations for becoming self-employed. The results in this paper find that one of the most significant barriers to entrepreneurship in Europe is lack of access to finance although this is noticeably lower in Ireland. Examining the characteristics of the self-employed, we find that participation by women and those in younger age cohorts (19-24 and 25-29) are significantly lower than for other groups. The results also suggest that considerations related to personal finances are amongst the main difficulties encountered in being selfemployed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour costs and the decision to hire the first employee (2024)

    Cockx, Bart ; Desiere, Sam ;


    Cockx, Bart & Sam Desiere (2024): Labour costs and the decision to hire the first employee. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 170. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2024.104859


    "Firms without paid employees account for up to 80 % of all firms, but only a small minority ever hires. This paper investigates the relationship between labour costs and the decision to hire a first employee and become an employer. Leveraging a unique policy in Belgium that permanently reduced the labour cost of the first employee by 13 %, we find that the number of new, first-time employers jumped by 31 % immediately following the reform. The elasticity of the probability to hire the first employee with respect to the labour cost is −2.39 [95 % CI: −3.45, −1.25]." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Declining Search Frictions, Unemployment and Self-Employment (2024)

    Denderski, Piotr ; Sniekers, Florian ;


    Denderski, Piotr & Florian Sniekers (2024): Declining Search Frictions, Unemployment and Self-Employment. In: The Economic Journal, Jg. 134, H. 659, S. 1100-1145. DOI:10.1093/ej/uead093


    "In most OECD countries, unemployment rates show no trend, which is puzzling if advancements in information and communication technologies decrease labor-market frictions. We show, both analytically and quantitatively, that accounting for the secular decline in self-employment rates solves the puzzle. While declining labor-market frictions can theoretically explain these trends, we provide contradictory causal evidence that the roll-out of broadband internet has increased self-employment and decreased unemployment rates. We reconcile these observations with a new model featuring frictions in both labour and goods markets. We explain falling self-employment and non-trending unemployment quantitatively by labor-market frictions declining relatively more than goods-market frictions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does self-employment provide a bridge to retirement? (2024)

    Hoogendoorn, Brigitte ; van Stel, André ; O'Hagan-Luff, Martha; Ramezani, Sanaz ;


    Hoogendoorn, Brigitte, Martha O'Hagan-Luff, Sanaz Ramezani & André van Stel (2024): Does self-employment provide a bridge to retirement? In: Cambridge Journal of Economics, Jg. 48, H. 4, S. 767-784. DOI:10.1093/cje/beae016


    "Non-employment including early retirement among individuals of older working age is a considerable concern. As life expectancies across the developed world continue to increase, individuals’ retirement savings often turn out tobe inadequate. In policy circles, given the increasing old-age dependency ratio, self-employment is often seen as a potential route to extend the working lives of older labour force participants. By studying labour market switches of wage workers of 50 years and older, we investigate to what extent self-employment serves as a bridge to retirement. Using a longitudinal data base in European countries over the period 2005–2015, our findings suggest that although self-employment does serve as a bridge to retirement, this is much less likely to be the case for precarious wage workers—especially those with poor job prospects—than for wage workers at the higher end of the labour market, including those who are in good health and who have good job prospects in their current wage job. We also find that wage workers with precarious job conditions are more likely to switch into non-employment rather than into self-employment. Policy implications are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    An Effective protection against unemployment for self-employed and platform workers? The intriguing case of Denmark (2024)

    Jacqueson, Catherine ;


    Jacqueson, Catherine (2024): An Effective protection against unemployment for self-employed and platform workers? The intriguing case of Denmark. In: European Journal of Social Security, Jg. 26, H. 2, S. 140-154. DOI:10.1177/13882627241270473


    "This article discusses whether self-employed and platform workers in Denmark have effective access to the unemployment insurance scheme. The Danish case is intriguing in a comparative context. Unlike other European States, it has been possible in Denmark for the self-employed to formally access the unemployment scheme since 1976. The system is also interesting as it is rather flexible, and was recently adapted to meet the challenges of changing work patterns and an increase in atypical forms of work, such as platform work. Yet, it is argued that important barriers to effective coverage remain. Some barriers, such as the voluntary character of the insurance and its eligibility criteria, are common to all persons with low and irregular work. Other barriers are specific to the self-employed and relate to the conditions for proving the closing down of business, and to waiting periods." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Trotz Krisen versichern sich Selbstständige weiterhin kaum gegen Arbeitslosigkeit (2024)

    Jahn, Elke ; Oberfichtner, Michael ;


    Jahn, Elke & Michael Oberfichtner (2024): Trotz Krisen versichern sich Selbstständige weiterhin kaum gegen Arbeitslosigkeit. In: IAB-Forum H. 10.09.2024. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240910.01


    "Selbstständige können sich in Deutschland unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen gegen Arbeitslosigkeit versichern. Vor der Covid-19-Pandemie und dem russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine haben nur relativ wenige Selbstständige diese Möglichkeit genutzt. Neuere Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit geben nun Aufschluss darüber, ob sich angesichts dieser beiden Krisen und der gestiegenen Unsicherheit inzwischen mehr Selbstständige für diese Absicherung entscheiden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Jahn, Elke ; Oberfichtner, Michael ;
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    Racial Capitalism and Entrepreneurship: An Intersectional Feminist Labour Market Perspective on UK Self-Employment (2024)

    Martinez Dy, Angela ; Marlow, Susan ; Jayawarna, Dilani ;


    Martinez Dy, Angela, Dilani Jayawarna & Susan Marlow (2024): Racial Capitalism and Entrepreneurship: An Intersectional Feminist Labour Market Perspective on UK Self-Employment. In: Sociology, Jg. 58, H. 5, S. 1038-1060. DOI:10.1177/00380385241228444


    "This article explains entrepreneurial activity patterns in the United Kingdom labour market using theories of racial capitalism and intersectional feminism. Using UK Office for National Statistics Labour Force Survey data 2018–2019 and employing probit modelling techniques on employment modes, self-employment types and work arrangements among differing groups, we investigate inequality in self-employment within and between socio-structural groupings of race, class and gender. We find that those belonging to non-dominant gender, race and socio-economic class groupings experience an intersecting set of entrepreneurial penalties, enhancing understanding of the ways multiple social hierarchies interact in self-employment patterns. This robust quantitative evidence challenges contemporary debates, policy and practice regarding the potential for entrepreneurship to offer viable income generation opportunities by those on the socio-economic margins." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income and consumption inequality trends: a comparative analysis between paid employees and the self-employed (2024)

    Sadaf, Sadaf ;


    Sadaf, Sadaf (2024): Income and consumption inequality trends: a comparative analysis between paid employees and the self-employed. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 58. DOI:10.1186/s12651-024-00372-z


    "This paper aims to analyze trends in income and consumption inequality for paid and self-employed households and examine to what extent changes in aggregate consumption and income inequality can be explained by changes in their permanent and transitory components over time using data from the Italian Survey of Household Wealth (SHIW) covering the period 1989-2016. The results obtained from the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) analysis reveal differences in consumption and income inequality, as well as their permanent and transitory components, between self-employed and payroll households. In particular, self-employed households experience higher levels of both income and consumption inequality, the increase in total income and consumption inequality is mainly driven by an increase in its transitory component. Furthermore, findings from other descriptive measures of inequality, such as the Gini coefficient, the variance of the log, 90th/10th, and 50th/10th percentile ratios, support the notion that income inequality is higher than consumption inequality across all groups, with self-employed households exhibiting a more pronounced difference." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Unternehmerisches Selbstverständnis von Selbständigen in Deutschland: Tätigkeitsmerkmale, soziale Sicherung und Einstellungen (2024)

    Schäfer, Holger; Stettes, Oliver; Schleiermacher, Thomas;


    Schäfer, Holger, Oliver Stettes & Thomas Schleiermacher (2024): Unternehmerisches Selbstverständnis von Selbständigen in Deutschland: Tätigkeitsmerkmale, soziale Sicherung und Einstellungen. (IW-Gutachten), Köln, 91 S.


    "Eine Reihe von Studien kartografiert regelmäßig Ausmaß und Struktur von (Solo-)Selbstständigkeit. Ein Beispiel sind die Forschungsberichte des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (Brenke/Beznoska, 2016; Maier/Ivanov, 2018; Bonin et al., 2020; Bonin et al., 2022), in denen unter anderem die Entwicklung der Anzahl von Solo-Selbstständigen, die unterschiedlichen Charakteristika von (Solo-)Selbstständigkeit, die Dynamik selbstständiger Tätigkeit (Zugänge, Abgänge etc.), das zeitliche Arbeitsangebot und die Einkommenssituation sowie Aspekte der Altersvorsorge/-sicherung beschrieben werden. Darüber hinaus existieren viele Einzelstudien, die spezifische Sachverhalte analysieren – zum Beispiel Günter/Marder-Puch (2019) zu Motiven für Gründung und Kennzeichen der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität, Dietrich/Patzina (2017) zum potenziellen Ausmaß von Scheinselbstständigkeit, Allensbach/DIWecon/ADESW (2018), Allensbach/ADESW (2019), IMI/ADESW (2020) sowie ifo/ADESW (2021) zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Tätigkeit von IT-Selbstständigen und Wissensarbeitern oder VGSD (2019) zu den Folgen der Rechtsunsicherheit für Freiberufler. Lubczyk et al. (2020) untersuchen die Auswirkungen des allgemeinen gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf die Solo-Selbstständigkeit, während Jahn/Oberfichtner (2020a) die Auswirkungen der Covid-Pandemie auf die Bereitschaft zur Selbstständigkeit analysieren." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Market Dependence as a Boundary Construction for Work Solidarity with the Solo Self-employed (2024)

    Stamm, Isabell Kathrin ; Scheidgen, Katharina ; Schürmann, Lena ;


    Stamm, Isabell Kathrin, Lena Schürmann & Katharina Scheidgen (2024): Market Dependence as a Boundary Construction for Work Solidarity with the Solo Self-employed. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 6, S. 1528-1548. DOI:10.1177/09500170231206083


    "As more people work outside standard employment, the foundations of work solidarity are contested. How does work solidarity arise in atypical forms of work that are characterised by flexible, autonomous and self-dependent organisation, such as in solo self-employment? Drawing on a discursive approach to work solidarity, this article emphasises how market dependence can serve as a boundary construction to create work solidarity. Empirically, this study engages in a discourse analysis on Soforthilfe, a policy measure introduced by the German government to financially assist solo self-employed people during the Covid-19 lockdown. In this discourse, market dependence serves to identify this social group’s need (social boundary) and to set out the corresponding policies for financial assistance (substantive boundary). Four solidarity norms – relief, equality, preservation and quasi-equivalence – support this boundary construction. The article contributes to the current discourse on work solidarity by identifying an additional boundary construction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Independent Contractor Workforce: New Evidence on Its Size and Composition and Ways to Improve Its Measurement in Household Surveys (2023)

    Abraham, Katharine G. ; Hershbein, Brad J. ; Houseman, Susan N. ; Truesdale, Beth C. ;


    Abraham, Katharine G., Brad J. Hershbein, Susan N. Houseman & Beth C. Truesdale (2023): The Independent Contractor Workforce: New Evidence on Its Size and Composition and Ways to Improve Its Measurement in Household Surveys. (Upjohn Institute working paper 380), Kalamazoo, Mich., 52 S. DOI:10.17848/wp23-380


    "Good data on the size and composition of the independent contractor workforce are elusive, with household survey and administrative tax data often disagreeing on levels and trends. We carried out a series of focus groups to learn how self-employed independent contractors speak about their work. Based on these findings, we designed and fielded a large-scale telephone survey to elicit more accurate and complete information on independent contractors, including those who may be coded incorrectly as employees in conventional household survey data and those who are independent contractors in a secondary work activity. We find that, upon probing, roughly one in 10 workers who initially reports working for an employer on one or more jobs (and thus is coded as an employee) is in fact an independent contractor on at least one of those jobs. Incorporating these miscoded workers into estimates of work arrangement on the main job nearly doubles the share who are independent contractors, to about 15 percent of all workers. Young workers, less-educated workers, workers of color, multiple-job holders, and those with low hours are more likely to be miscoded. Taking these workers into account substantively changes the demographic profile of the independent contractor workforce. Our research indicates that probing in household surveys to clarify a worker’s employment arrangement and identify all low-hours work is critical for accurately measuring independent contractor work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Towards a Reserve Army of Highly Skilled Labour? The Politics of Solo Self-Employment in the Knowledge Economy (2023)

    Borg, Maxime;


    Borg, Maxime (2023): Towards a Reserve Army of Highly Skilled Labour? The Politics of Solo Self-Employment in the Knowledge Economy. (SocArXiv papers), 46 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/yq2f6


    "Prevailing political economic theories on the segmentation of the labor market all rely on the assumption that workers with tertiary education possess significant bargaining power in the knowledge economy due to the strategic importance of their human capital for firms. This paper argues that this empowerment thesis is not empirically founded. The surplus of interchangeable workers equipped with general skills in the knowledge economy actually reinforces employers in the labor-capital power dynamics. This context allows employers to reduce labor costs by imposing subcontracting and flexible work arrangements on highly skilled workers. Until now, these practices were believed to be prevalent only among low-skilled workers. This paper investigates this transformation through the lens of solo self-employment. Drawing on data obtained from 22 European countries spanning from 2014 to 2021, this article presents findings suggesting that the transition to the knowledge economy incentivises employers to adopt a new division of labor predicated on the development of networks of subcontracting and flexible highly skilled workers, particularly in economies with strict employment protection legislation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vom Umgang mit Regulierungslücken: Solo-Selbstständigkeit und Tarifautonomie (2023)

    Buschoff, Karin Schulze;


    Buschoff, Karin Schulze (2023): Vom Umgang mit Regulierungslücken: Solo-Selbstständigkeit und Tarifautonomie. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 76, H. 3, S. 202-210. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2023-3-202


    "Solo-Selbstständige befinden sich oftmals in einer prekären Situation. Sie verdienen im Schnitt weniger als abhängig Beschäftigte und sind aufgrund der strukturellen Unterlegenheit oft nicht in der Lage, einzeln gute Arbeitsbedingungen auszuhandeln. Ihre Benachteiligung wird durch Lücken im Arbeits- und Sozialrecht noch verstärkt. Um die Lücken der arbeits- und sozialrechtlichen Absicherung zu schließen, bedarf es legislativer Anstrengungen. Dazu gehört, Mindestentgeltregelungen zu etablieren und die gesetzlichen Grundlagen für Tarifverhandlungen für Solo-Selbstständige zu festigen. Hierbei sind sowohl der Gesetzgeber als auch die Sozialpartner gefragt. Eine Herausforderung für die Sozialpartner ist es, die gesetzlichen Möglichkeiten für Tarifverhandlungen zu nutzen. Grünes Licht dafür kommt vonseiten der Europäischen Union. Die EU-Leitlinie zu Tarifverträgen für Solo-Selbstständige bietet Rechtssicherheit, indem sie klarstellt, wann Tarifverträge für Solo-Selbstständige wettbewerbsrechtlich unbedenklich sind. Dies ist als Meilenstein in Richtung Stärkung sozialer Rechte Selbstständiger auf der EU-Ebene zu werten, dem hoffentlich Initiativen auf nationaler Ebene folgen werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How does institutional context shape work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers? A contextualised application of the capability approach to Belgium, France and the Netherlands (2023)

    Focacci, Chiara Natalie ; Pichault, François ;


    Focacci, Chiara Natalie & François Pichault (2023): How does institutional context shape work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers? A contextualised application of the capability approach to Belgium, France and the Netherlands. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 13/14, S. 36-61. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-12-2022-0312


    "Purpose: According to Sen's theoretical framework of capability (1985), individuals reach their full potential once they have the freedom, intended as the set of functionings at their disposal, to do so. However, many critiques have been developed against the lack of embeddedness of the capability approach in social and political relations and structures. In this article, the authors investigate the influence of three institutional contexts (Belgium, the Netherlands and France) on the respective work-related functionings of self-employed and regular workers, with a focus on human capital investment and institutional support offered to them. Design/methodology/approach Data from the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) are used to highlight similarities and differences in building work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers. A regression analysis is provided at the country level. Findings In the three labor markets, the authors find that the building of work-related functionings is more successful for regular employees, especially as regards institutional support. Self-employed workers, on the other hand, need to rely on their individual capability as regards employment protection and human capital investment. However, the authors find interesting differences between the three institutional contexts. In both Belgium and France, self-employed workers are subject to higher instability in terms of changes in salary and hours worked, whereas atypical work is better positioned in the Dutch labour market. The Netherlands is also characterized by a less significant gap between regular and self-employed workers with respect to participation in training. Originality/value In this article, the authors contextualise Sen's (1985) theoretical framework by taking into account the institutional differences of labor markets. In particular, the authors provide a novel application of his capability approach to regular and self-employed workers in an economically relevant European area." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Embedded Strangers in One's Own Job? Freelance Interpreters' Invisible Work: A Practice Theory Approach (2023)

    Giustini, Deborah ;


    Giustini, Deborah (2023): Embedded Strangers in One's Own Job? Freelance Interpreters' Invisible Work: A Practice Theory Approach. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 952-971. DOI:10.1177/09500170211059351


    "This article investigates invisible work, as voiced by professionals in the interpreting sector in the UK. Informed by a practice theory approach alongside the sociology of invisible work, it re-frames invisibility as enacted according to the elements that organise and motivate work in terms of purposeful, normative and skilful actions. Drawing on a qualitative dataset of 20 observations and 46 interviews with interpreters, the article conceives invisibility as a functional labour logic in which compliance and resistance to being unseen are the twofold cornerstone of professionalism but also of devaluation. As a freelance workforce, interpreters face contradictions between deontological and stakeholders’ expectations of invisibility, and the individual need of displaying an expert role for securing work continuity. This article contributes to social practice and invisible work literature by uncovering the performative interrelation of the work dynamics which demand a negotiation of hidden/visible status." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zur aktuellen und zukünftigen wirtschaftlichen Lage von Selbständigen (2023)

    Heller, Jonas; Wohlrabe, Klaus ; Sauer, Stefan ;


    Heller, Jonas, Stefan Sauer & Klaus Wohlrabe (2023): Zur aktuellen und zukünftigen wirtschaftlichen Lage von Selbständigen. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 76, H. 1, S. 39-43.


    "Einzelunternehmen und Kleinstunternehmen stellen mit rund 83% den größten Teil der Unternehmen in Deutschland dar. Auf Basis der ifo Konjunkturumfragen berechnet das ifo Institut seit August 2021 auch Konjunkturindikatoren für diese wichtige Gruppe. Unter anderem wird monatlich der »Jimdo-ifo Geschäftsklimaindex für Selbständige« als Hauptindikator veröffentlicht. Dieser liegt derzeit merklich im negativen Bereich, auch wenn er sich zum Jahresende 2022 etwas erholte. Während sich bei der Beurteilung der aktuellen Geschäftslage die positiven und negativen Einschätzungen die Waage halten, überwiegen bei den Erwartungen für die kommenden Monate die skeptischen Stimmen klar. Bezüglich des zukünftigen Geschäftsverlaufs herrscht eine überaus große Unsicherheit vor. Dies führt dazu, dass sich im Vergleich zur Gesamtwirtschaft ein deutlich höherer Anteil der Selbständigen in ihrer Existenz bedroht sehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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