Functions at the IAB
- Employee - Area Regional Labour Markets (REGIO)
- Member - Nachwuchsgruppe Ecological Transformation, Labour Markets, Vocational and Further Training
- Member - Working Group Occupations
- Member - Working Group Digital and ecological transformation
Professional background
Dr Markus Janser is a senior researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and heads the IAB part of the FIS junior research group 'Ecological transition, labour market, vocational and further training'. His research focuses on the labour market effects of environmental and climate policy, on regional impacts of the green transition and on occupational change.
He received his PhD from the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (Department of Sociology). The title of his dissertation was: 'The Greening of Jobs: Empirical studies on the relationship between environmental sustainability and the labour market'. Markus Janser studied Business Administration at the Bristol Business School (University of the West of England, Bristol, UK), where he graduated in 2004. He also studied at the Lutheran University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg, Germany (EVHN), where he graduated with a diploma in social work in 2000.
He joined IAB in 2004 and worked there for nine years in the research management department before moving to the research department 'Regional Labour Markets' in 2013. Prior to his time at IAB, he gained further professional experience in the consultancy sector and in the public sector.
ongoing Projects
- Greenness-of-Jobs-Index (GOJI) Update
- Skill profiles in the green transition
- Transitions in times of transformation
- Ecological transformation and individual employment trajectories
- FIS Junior Research Group "Green Transition, Labor Market, Vocational Education and Training"
- Green Transition, Gender Pay Gap and Segregation.
- The role of further training in the green transition: First evidence at worker level from a linked dataset
- Computing Capital Stocks in the German Social Security Records and Quantifying their Role for Wage Inequality
- Carbon Footprint of Jobs
- Occupational Panel 2012-2022
- Worker flows in the low-carbon transition
- How do climate policies affect workers? - The European Union s Emissions Trading System (ETS) and its effects on individual employment biographies
- Public funded R&D and the emerging demand for hydrogen skills
- Evaluating Policy Instruments for the Transformation to a Low Carbon Economy: Causal Evidence from Administrative Micro Data
finished Projects
- Vocational training market and ecological transformation in times of demographic change
- Long-Term Labor Market Effects of Early-Life Exposure to Air Pollution - Evidence from Power Plant Desulphurization in West Germany
- Green and Digital Transformations in Online Job Ads - Adaptation Processes in Occupational and Regional Labor Demand
- Analyzing local labor markets with geo-spatial online job vacancy data
- Digital and ecological transformation: Which determinants explain employment growth at the occupational level?
- Feasibility study: competence compass
- The Digital Infrastructure of Germany and its Impacts on Establishments and the Labor Market - Integration and Updating of Available Geodata
- Welfare consequences of coal exit for coal workers and local spillover effects: new evidence from administrative micro data
- Effects of the digital transformation on employment in Germany
- Occupational panel
- The greening of jobs and labor market outcomes
- GeoData: Development of geocoded data and geographic information systems for labor market research
- Determinants of Employment Dynamics of Establishments Producing Environmental Goods and Services: Evidence from German Employer-Employee Data.
- Employment effects of the energy turnaround in Germany. Analysis and evaluation of current research on the effects of the German energy transition on labour demand and labour supply.
- Conference "Science meets Practice 2014: Greening Economy - Labour Market and Employment in Times of the Energy Transition (July 30./31., 2014)
- Sector-specific Wage Differentials and Establishment Characteristics in Value Chains of Renewable Energies. Sub-Project 2: Analyses on Establishment-Level.
- Qualification Structure and Requirements in Environmental Protection
- 2nd international IAB/RCEA/ZEW Workshop "Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market: The Relocation of Jobs"
- Sector-specific Wage Differentials and Establishment Characteristics in Value Chains of Renewable Energies. Sub-Project 1: Record Linkage.
- Development of the Research and Grant Application Support within the Research Management Division of the Institute for Employment Research
- Fachkonzeption IABaktiv 3.0
- Arbeitsmarkteffekte der Produktion von Umwelttechnik und Umweltdienstleistungen
- Integrierte interne Services im IAB
- Einführung eines wissenschaftsorientierten Controllingsystems für das IAB
Beruflicher Wandel in Baden-Württemberg: Nimmt die Bedeutung umweltschonender Kompetenzen zu?
Faißt, C., Hamann, S., Jahn, D., Janser, M., Otto, A., Wapler, R. & Wydra-Somaggio, G. (2025): Beruflicher Wandel in Baden-Württemberg: Nimmt die Bedeutung umweltschonender Kompetenzen zu? (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Baden-Württemberg 01/2025), Nürnberg, 39 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.REBW.2501
Arbeitsmarkt: Die ökologische Transformation der Beschäftigung schreitet voran
Bachmann, R., Janser, M., Lehmer, F. & Vonnahme, C. (2025): Arbeitsmarkt: Die ökologische Transformation der Beschäftigung schreitet voran. In: Transforming Economies No. 15.01.2025.
Structural change in the German labour market. IAB Statement on the hearing at the German Council of Economic Experts on 17 October 2024
Bauer, A., Dietrich, H., Grienberger, K., Haas, A., Heß, P., Janser, M., Janssen, S., Kern, J., Kruppe, T., Lang, J., Lehmer, F., Müller, C., Schneemann, C., Stops, M., Vetterer, N., Weber, E., Zenk, J. & Zika, G. (2024): Zum Strukturwandel des deutschen Arbeitsmarkts. Stellungnahme des IAB zur Anhörung beim Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung am 17.10.2024. (IAB-Stellungnahme 05/2024), Nürnberg, 22 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.SN.2405
Computing Capital Stocks in the German Social Security Records and Quantifying Their Role for Wage Inequality
Janser, M., Lehmer, F. & Zierahn-Weilage, U. (2024): Computing Capital Stocks in the German Social Security Records and Quantifying Their Role for Wage Inequality. In: CESIfo Economic Studies, Vol. 70, No. 4, p. 370-393. DOI:10.1093/cesifo/ifae021
Disentangling the Greening of the Labour Market: The Role of Changing Occupations and Worker Flows
Bachmann, R., Janser, M., Lehmer, F. & Vonnahme, C. (2024): Disentangling the Greening of the Labour Market: The Role of Changing Occupations and Worker Flows. (IAB-Discussion Paper 12/2024), Nürnberg, 54 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2412
Disentangling the Greening of the Labour Market: The Role of Changing Occupations and Worker Flows
Bachmann, R., Janser, M., Lehmer, F. & Vonnahme, C. (2024): Disentangling the Greening of the Labour Market: The Role of Changing Occupations and Worker Flows. (Ruhr economic papers 1099), Essen, 53 p. DOI:10.4419/96973277
Fairer Kohleausstieg für alle: Jobwechsel statt Frühverrentung fördern
Koch, N. & Janser, M. (2024): Fairer Kohleausstieg für alle: Jobwechsel statt Frühverrentung fördern. In: Transforming Economies No. 26.06.2024.
Betriebe in der ökologischen Transformation
Hohendanner, C., Janser, M. & Lehmer, F. (2024): Betriebe in der ökologischen Transformation. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 13/2024), Nürnberg, 24 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2413
Vocational training: Occupations with green skills are in high demand (Series: Digital and ecological Transformation)
Brixy, U., Janser, M. & Mense, A. (2024): Vocational training: Occupations with green skills are in high demand (Series: Digital and ecological Transformation). In: IAB-Forum No. 12.06.2024 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240612.01
Bei der Arbeitskräftesicherung gilt es, jeden Hebel zu nutzen (Podium: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis)
Gerber, M., Janser, M., Kargus, A., Schludi, M., Schulz, V., Vallizadeh, E., Wrohlich, K., Boberg, P., Walwei, U., Varga, M., Wiemers, J., Lötzsch, M., Kaiser, Y., Ahuja, V., Köhler-Geib, F., Kawohl, S., Altenburg, M., Heinecke, N., Michailowa, S., Fitzenberger, B., Fernandez, M., Mense, A., Fendel, T., Plentinger, M., Brücker, H., Gürtzgen, N. & Lehner, A. (2023): Bei der Arbeitskräftesicherung gilt es, jeden Hebel zu nutzen (Podium: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis). In: IAB-Forum No. 24.11.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231124.01
Vocational training and the ecological transformation: trainees are increasingly opting for occupations with green skills
Brixy, U., Janser, M. & Mense, A. (2023): Ausbildungsmarkt und ökologische Transformation: Auszubildende entscheiden sich zunehmend für Berufe mit umweltfreundlichen Tätigkeiten. (IAB-Kurzbericht 19/2023), Nürnberg, 8 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2319
The welfare costs of job loss and decarbonization - evidence from Germany's coal phase out
Haywood, L., Janser, M. & Koch, N. (2024): The welfare costs of job loss and decarbonization - evidence from Germany's coal phase out. In: Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 577-611. DOI:10.1086/726425
The Occupational Panel for Germany
Dengler, K., Janser, M. & Lehmer, F. (2023): The Occupational Panel for Germany. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 243, No. 6, p. 711-724. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2022-0053
Die Energiekrise wird manche Regionen härter treffen als andere (Serie „Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt“)
Dauth, W., Graevenitz, K. & Janser, M. (2022): Die Energiekrise wird manche Regionen härter treffen als andere (Serie „Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt“). In: IAB-Forum No. 26.10.2022 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20221026.01
Central findings on current labour market Topics 2021/2022
Achatz, J., Bauer, F., Bossler, M., Braun, W., Bruckmeier, K., Brücker, H., Dauth, C., Dengler, K., Dietrich, H., Dietz, M., Fitzenberger, B., Fuchs, J., Gartner, H., Gürtzgen, N., Hohendanner, C., Hutter, C., Jahn, E., Janser, M., Janssen, S., Kruppe, T., Kubis, A., Lang, J., Leber, U., Lehmer, F. & Lietzmann, T. (2021): Zentrale Befunde zu aktuellen Arbeitsmarktthemen 2021/2022. Nürnberg, 20 p.
Extracting Skill Requirements from Job Ads – the “Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass”
Stops, M., Bächmann, A., Glassner, R., Janser, M., Matthes, B., Metzger, L., Müller, C. & Seitz, J. (2021): Extracting Skill Requirements from Job Ads – the “Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass”. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 07/2021), Nürnberg, 129 p.
How Do Workers Adjust When Firms Adopt New Technologies?
Genz, S., Gregory, T., Janser, M., Lehmer, F. & Matthes, B. (2021): How Do Workers Adjust When Firms Adopt New Technologies? (IZA discussion paper 14626), Bonn, 56 p.
Skills demand for the hydrogen technology: Insights from a new analysis of job ads
Grimm, V., Janser, M. & Stops, M. (2021): Neue Analyse von Online-Stellenanzeigen: Kompetenzen für die Wasserstofftechnologie sind jetzt schon gefragt. (IAB-Kurzbericht 11/2021), Nürnberg, 8 p.
The Welfare Costs of Job Loss and Decarbonization – Evidence from Germany's Coal Phase Out
Haywood, L., Janser, M. & Koch, N. (2021): The Welfare Costs of Job Loss and Decarbonization – Evidence from Germany's Coal Phase Out. (IZA discussion paper 14464), Bonn, 53 p.
Sozialer Kohleausstieg oder zusätzliche Entschädigung der Industrie?
Haywood, L., Janser, M. & Koch, N. (2021): Sozialer Kohleausstieg oder zusätzliche Entschädigung der Industrie? Das Anpassungsgeld für Kohlebeschäftigte. In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 130-141. DOI:10.1515/pwp-2020-0050
Covid-19 pandemic and climate change as accelerators of structural change: Skilled labor in times of digitization and defossilisation. IAB Statement on the hearing at the German Council of Economic Experts on October 8, 2020
Grunau, P., Janser, M., Laible, M., Lehmer, F., Matthes, B., Stops, M. & Vicari, B. (2020): Covid-19-Pandemie und Klimawandel als Beschleuniger des Strukturwandels: Fachkräftesicherung in Zeiten von Digitalisierung und Defossilisierung. Stellungnahme des IAB zur Anhörung beim Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung am 8. Oktober 2020. (IAB-Stellungnahme 11/2020), Nürnberg, 10 p.
Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass
Stops, M., Bächmann, A., Glassner, R., Janser, M., Matthes, B., Metzger, L., Müller, C. & Seitz, J. (2020): Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass. Teilprojekt 2: Beobachtung von Kompetenzanforderungen in Stellenangeboten. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht 553), Berlin, 142 p.
The impact of investments in new digital technologies on wages - worker-level evidence from Germany
Genz, S., Janser, M. & Lehmer, F. (2019): The impact of investments in new digital technologies on wages - worker-level evidence from Germany. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 239, No. 3, p. 483-521. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2017-0161
Winners and losers of state early retirement for lignite workers
Haywood, L., Janser, M., Koch, N. & Plinke, C. (2019): Gewinner und Verlierer eines staatlichen Vorruhestands für Braunkohlebeschäftigte. (MCC working paper 01/2019), Berlin, 11 p.
The greening of jobs: Empirical studies on the relationship between environmental sustainability and the labor market
Janser, M. (2019): The greening of jobs: Empirical studies on the relationship between environmental sustainability and the labor market. Bamberg, 213 p. DOI:10.20378/irbo-54822
The greening of jobs in Germany
Janser, M. (2018): The greening of jobs in Germany. First evidence from a text mining based index and employment register data. (IAB-Discussion Paper 14/2018), Nürnberg, 74 p.
Integration regionaler Daten zu Flucht/Asyl/Migration in die SGB-II-Typisierung
Haas, A. & Janser, M. (2017): Integration regionaler Daten zu Flucht/Asyl/Migration in die SGB-II-Typisierung. Machbarkeitsstudie. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 08/2017), Nürnberg, 30 p.
The role of innovation and agglomeration for employment growth in the environmental sector
Horbach, J. & Janser, M. (2016): The role of innovation and agglomeration for employment growth in the environmental sector. In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 23, No. 6, p. 488-511. DOI:10.1080/13662716.2016.1180237
The hidden winners of renewable energy promotion
Antoni, M., Janser, M. & Lehmer, F. (2015): The hidden winners of renewable energy promotion. Insights into sector-specific wage differentials. In: Energy policy, Vol. 86, No. November, p. 595-613. DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2015.07.027
Beschäftigungswirkungen der Energiewende - ein Überblick
Janser, M., Lehmer, F. & Möller, J. (2015): Beschäftigungswirkungen der Energiewende - ein Überblick. In: W. Lemb (Hrsg.) (2015): Welche Industrie wollen wir? : nachhaltig produzieren - zukunftsorientiert wachsen, p. 193-214.
The role of innovation and agglomeration for employment growth in the environmental sector
Horbach, J. & Janser, M. (2015): The role of innovation and agglomeration for employment growth in the environmental sector. (IAB-Discussion Paper 16/2015), Nürnberg, 30 p.
The hidden winners of the energy turnaround : wage differences in the area of renewable energies
Antoni, M., Janser, M. & Lehmer, F. (2014): Die versteckten Gewinner der Energiewende. Lohnunterschiede im Bereich Erneuerbarer Energien. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte), Nürnberg, 5 p.
The hidden winners of renewable energy promotion
Antoni, M., Janser, M. & Lehmer, F. (2014): The hidden winners of renewable energy promotion. Insights into sector-specific wage differentials. (IAB-Discussion Paper 12/2014), Nürnberg, 49 p.
Qualifikationsstruktur und Qualifikationsbedarfe im Umweltschutz
Bauer, S., Helmrich, R., Janser, M., Krampe, M., Leppelmeier, I., Lewalder, A., Liesen, A., Mohaupt, F., Röttger, C., Schandock, M., Thobe, I., Wolter, M. & Zika, G. (2014): Qualifikationsstruktur und Qualifikationsbedarfe im Umweltschutz. Zwischenbericht 2. Osnabrück, 189 p., Anhang.
Qualifikationsstruktur und Qualifikationsbedarfe im Umweltschutz
Bauer, S., Helmrich, R., Janser, M., Krampe, M., Leppelmeier, I., Lewalder, A., Liesen, A., Mohaupt, F., Röttger, C., Schandock, M., Thobe, I., Wolter, M. & Zika, G. (2013): Qualifikationsstruktur und Qualifikationsbedarfe im Umweltschutz. Zwischenbericht 1. Osnabrück, 96 p.
"Mitten drin statt nur dabei"
Steinke, J. & Janser, M. (2010): "Mitten drin statt nur dabei". Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung am IAB. In: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (Hrsg.) (2010): IAB-Jahresbericht 2009 : Wissen braucht Austausch, p. 18-20.
Datenservice: Forschungsdatenzentrum der BA geht an den Start
Oertel, M., Passenberger, J. & Janser, M. (2004): Datenservice: Forschungsdatenzentrum der BA geht an den Start. Externe Forscher werden bald besseren Zugang zu den Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit haben. (IAB-Kurzbericht 09/2004), Nürnberg, 5 p.