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Information Management and Library Services (IMAB)

Service Department


The Scientific Information and Library (WIB) department is the centralised information service provider for the IAB and the administrative headquarters of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). It is a supporting partner in the research and publication process for IAB scientists and the entire range of tasks of the BA administrative headquarters. The Fachbibliothek für Arbeitsmarktforschung und Arbeitsverwaltung (specialised library for labour market research and labour administration) of the Federal Employment Agency is part of the department. The library services comprise the provision of printed and electronic media, licensing of specialist databases and a comprehensive counselling offer. Besides the IAB and BA staff also interested experts can access the reference library offering.

Since 1967, the scientific information team of the department has curated the self-information system InfoAB IAB information platform and the underlying LitDokAB literature database. InfoAB regularly offers new subject dossiers for researchers, students and experts, which provide insights into the state of labour market and employment research and of labour market policy. The offering provides application-based and processed research results on current topics for a broader audience. It contributes to the scientific efficiency within and outside the IAB. It helps scientists to observe their environment and include the insights into their own research process.

The department contributes to the implementation of the IAB guideline on open access (PDF, not freely accessible) to promote the free distribution of quality-assured research results from labour market and employment research in terms of open access. WIB helps the IAB scientists with planning open access publications and their funding via author fees from the IAB publication fund. The department takes part in the project on the nation-wide licensing of offers from large publishers of scientific books ("DEAL project").

WIB cooperates with the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and plays an active role in the working group of the libraries of the federal departmental research facilities.




