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Profilbild von Jutta Winters (IAB)

Jutta Winters

Functions at the IAB

Professional background

Jutta Winters studied politics at the Philipp University in Marburg, the Free University in Berlin and the University of Kent at Canterbury in Great Britain, specializing in labour market policies and European integration. She gained her first experience in research during a DFG (German Research Foundation) project on European structural policy being conducted at the Social Science Research Centre (WZB), Berlin. In parallel to this Ms Winters worked as an evaluator and brochure writer for institutions such as the European Commission and for labour and economic ministries at both federal and state level. From 2002 to 2003 she studied radio broadcasting/journalism and communications at the Foothill College in California, USA and at Stanford University. Ms Winters worked as an intern with National Public Radio in San Francisco, USA and remained there on a freelance until she returned to Germany. She has been a scientific editor at IAB since June 2007.
