Interview: Keen consumerism in times of crisis - A discussion with Rolf Bürkl von GfK
"Industrial companies are losing orders, income is shrinking because of short-time work, unemployment is rising, the retail trade is complaining about drops in turnover and leading businesses like Hertie and Arcandor are going backrupt. So why is the consumer climate in Germany still so good? Answers from Rolf Bürkl, Senior Research Consultant of the Nuremberg market research company Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)
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Winters, J., Bürkl, R. (interviewte Person) (2009): Interview: Konsumfreude in Krisenzeiten - ein Gespräch mit Rolf Bürkl von der GfK. In: IAB-Forum No. H. Spezial, p. 44-47. DOI:10.3278/IFO090SW044