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Further Training

Working Group


Due to technological changes such as digitization and automatization (catchwords: Industry 4.0, Work 4.0), further training is gaining even more importance - for the employed as well as for the unemployed. Along with these groups of persons, the other actors involved are individual establishments, bodies supporting further education, and (other) bodies involved in funding. Further training is also to be understood as one of a number of strategies towards life-long learning.

The Working Group "Further Training", set up in July 2007, brings all the relevant IAB research results on the various aspects of further occupational training together and encourages an exchange of information between the various different Research Departments and disciplines. Building on this, another target is the promotion of communal projects in which researchers from various units work together in a multidisciplinary way.

At the same time, the provision of policy advice means that the strong general interest in such issues outside the Institute is also taken into account.

