The following text serves as a barrier-free representation of the organigram contents.
The Director with his representative, the Deputy Director, heads the institute. Directly assigned to the Directorate are:
- the Research Coordination (Foko)
- the Graduate Programme (GradAB)
- the Research Group of the Director (FGDir).
The remaining organisation of the IAB is subdivided into 15 Research Units, Research Management and five Service Departments, which are managed and coordinated by Research Management.
Research Units
- Active Labour Market Policies and Integration (AE)
- Basic Income Support and Activation (GSA)
- Basic Income Support and the Labour Market (GAMA)
- Education, Training and Employment Over the Life Course (BQE)
- Establishments and Employment (BB)
- Forecasts and Macroeconomic Analyses (MAKRO)
- Joblessness and Social Inclusion (ET)
- Labour Market Processes and Institutions (AMPI)
- Migration and International Labour Studies (INTER)
- Occupations in the Transformation (BiT)
- Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS)
- Regional Labour Markets (REGIO) inclusive Junior Research Group Ecological Transformation, Labour Markets, Vocational and Further Training (ÖkTAAWe)
- Regional Research Network (RFN) inclusive Junior Research Group
Occupations and Employment Trajectories (BEV) - Research Data Centre (FDZ)
- Statistical Methods (KEM)
Service Departments
- Data- and IT-Management (DIM)
- Finances and Planning (FPL)
- Human Resources, Qualifications and Infrastructure (PQI)
- Media and Communication (MK)
- Information Management and Library Services (IMAB)
Scientific Advisory Council
The Scientific Advisory Council is a body of internationally recognized experts in labour market and employment research that provides constructive assistance for scientific work at the IAB.
Interest Groups/Representatives
The following interest groups and representatives exist at the IAB: