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Die Profilaufnahme einer Frau wird im Bereich ihres Hinterkopfes von schwebenden binären Codes und mehreren vernetzten Punkten überblendet.

Work quality and training in the era of digitalisation

The economy and the labour market are in constant flux, a situation that is shaped not only by long-term developments such as demographic change and globalisation but also by the digital revolution.

The increasing use of digital technologies is having multiple effects on work processes and requirements. The structure of workplace tasks and requirements is changing. This has consequences for the skills training of employees, and for their working conditions.

What effect will digitalisation have on the quality of the work that is done? What qualifications and skills will be required and how will the training of employees need to change to accommodate this? What changes might arise from the growing use of artificial intelligence? And what role will remote working and learning play?

We have compiled a list of IAB publications and projects that help to answer these and other questions you may have about work quality and training in the era of digitalisation.

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