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Employment-Related Further Training in a Dynamic Labor Market: The Role of Business Cycles and Technological Change

Project duration: 01.10.2017 to 30.09.2019


The objectives of the research project are (1) to investigate the importance of people’s various motives for undertaking further education; (2) to account for the various contexts surrounding further education decisions; (3) to find explanations for differential participation rates in further education for women and men, high-skilled and low-skilled individuals, working and non-working individuals, as well as older and younger persons; (4) to analyze the impact of motives, types of training, and thus of the unequal participation of different social groups in terms of individual returns to education.


01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019
01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019
01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019


01.12.2017 - 30.09.2019