Functions at the IAB
Professional background
André Diegmann studied economics at the University of Kassel, the European Business School in Dublin, and Rutgers University in the USA. From 2012 to 2017, he worked as a researcher in the "Labor Markets and Human Resources" department at ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim. In November 2017, he completed his doctoral degree at the University of Mannheim. After spending approximately one year at the German Council of Economic Experts, he has been that head of the research group "Firm Dynamics and Employment" at IWH. Since June 2023, André Diegmann is a researcher in the "Labor Market Processes and Institutions" department at IAB. His research focuses on applied microeconometrics, labor economics, and firm dynamics.
ongoing Projects
finished Projects
14 Euro Mindestlohn: Rund ein Fünftel der Betriebe erwartet einen Beschäftigungsrückgang
Börschlein, E. & Diegmann, A. (2024): 14 Euro Mindestlohn: Rund ein Fünftel der Betriebe erwartet einen Beschäftigungsrückgang. In: IAB-Forum No. 21.10.2024. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20241021.01
IAB-Stellenerhebung: Betriebsbefragung zu Stellenangebot und Besetzungsprozessen, Welle 2000 bis 2021 mit Folgequartalen von 2006 bis 2022
Börschlein, E., Diegmann, A., Gürtzgen, N., Kubis, A., Pirralha, A., Pohlan, L., Popp, M. & Vetter, F. (2024): IAB-Stellenerhebung: Betriebsbefragung zu Stellenangebot und Besetzungsprozessen, Welle 2000 bis 2021 mit Folgequartalen von 2006 bis 2022. (FDZ-Datenreport 06/2024 (de)), Nürnberg, 27 p. DOI:10.5164/
The IAB Job Vacancy Survey: Establishment survey on labor demand and recruitment processes, waves 2000 to 2021 and subsequent quarters 2006 to 2022
Börschlein, E., Diegmann, A., Gürtzgen, N., Kubis, A., Pirralha, A., Pohlan, L., Popp, M. & Vetter, F. (2024): The IAB Job Vacancy Survey: Establishment survey on labor demand and recruitment processes, waves 2000 to 2021 and subsequent quarters 2006 to 2022. (FDZ-Datenreport 06/2024 (en)), Nürnberg, 27 p. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2406.en.v1
The impact of political connections on firm outcomes: Evidence from Germany
Diegmann, A., Pohlan, L. & Weber, A. (2024): The impact of political connections on firm outcomes: Evidence from Germany. (VoxEU columns / Centre for Economic Policy Research), London, o. p..
Linking the Mannheim Enterprise Panel (MUP) with Administrative Establishment Data of IAB
Diegmann, A., Doherr, T., Hälbig, M. & Wolter, S. (2024): Linking the Mannheim Enterprise Panel (MUP) with Administrative Establishment Data of IAB. (FDZ-Methodenreport 03/2024), Nürnberg, 20 p. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZM.2403.en.v1
How political connections shape firm outcomes in Germany
Diegmann, A., Pohlan, L. & Weber, A. (2024): How political connections shape firm outcomes in Germany. Opinion. In: IZA world of labor, o. Sz.
The Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel of the IAB 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020)
Diegmann, A., Gottschalk, S., Hälbig, M., Schmucker, A. & Wolter, S. (2024): The Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel of the IAB 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020). (FDZ-Datenreport 03/2024 (en)), Nürnberg, 104 p. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2403.en.v1
Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel verknüpft mit dem Betriebs-Historik-Panel 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020)
Diegmann, A., Gottschalk, S., Hälbig, M., Schmucker, A. & Wolter, S. (2024): Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel verknüpft mit dem Betriebs-Historik-Panel 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020). (FDZ-Datenreport 03/2024 (de)), Nürnberg, 106 p. DOI:10.5164/
Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament
Diegmann, A., Pohlan, L. & Weber, A. (2024): Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament. (ZEW discussion paper 24-035), Mannheim, 64 p.
Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament
Diegmann, A., Pohlan, L. & Weber, A. (2024): Do Politicians Affect Firm Outcomes? Evidence from Connections to the German Federal Parliament. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 17031), Bonn, 64 p.
Committing to Grow: Privatizations and Firm Dynamics in East Germany
Akcigit, U., Alp, H., Diegmann, A. & Serrano-Velarde, N. (2024): Committing to Grow: Privatizations and Firm Dynamics in East Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper 01/2024), Nürnberg, 89 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2401
Für einen besseren Datenzugang
Altmann, S., Antoni, M., Askitas, N., Brenzel, H., Collischon, M., Diegmann, A., Garloff, A., Gathmann, C., Gaudecker, H., Helm, I., Mangelsdorf, S., Mika, T., Müller, D., Nagler, M., Oberfichtner, M., Pestel, N., Riphahn, R., Saurer, J., Schnitzlein, D., Seele, S., Stephan, G., Storm, E., Stüber, H. & Thomsen, S. (2023): Für einen besseren Datenzugang. Stellungnahme der Arbeitsgruppe Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialversicherungsdaten. Berlin, 22 p.
Committing to Grow: Privatizations and Firm Dynamics in East Germany
Akcigit, U., Alp, H., Diegmann, A. & Serrano-Velarde, N. (2023): Committing to Grow: Privatizations and Firm Dynamics in East Germany. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31645), Cambridge, Mass, 65 p.
Preferred field of study and academic performance
Berlingieri, F., Diegmann, A. & Sprietsma, M. (2023): Preferred field of study and academic performance. In: Economics of Education Review, Vol. 95. DOI:10.1016/j.econedurev.2023.102409
The gender reveal: The effect of sons on young fathers’ criminal behavior and labor market activities
Dasgupta, K., Diegmann, A., Kirchmaier, T. & Plum, A. (2022): The gender reveal: The effect of sons on young fathers’ criminal behavior and labor market activities. In: Labour Economics, Vol. 78. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102224
The place-based effects of police stations on crime: Evidence from station closures
Blesse, S. & Diegmann, A. (2022): The place-based effects of police stations on crime: Evidence from station closures. In: Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 207. DOI:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2022.104605
Die deutsche Wirtschaft in der Pandemie
Dettmann, E., Diegmann, A., Mertens, M., Müller, S., Plümpe, V., Leber, U. & Schwengler, B. (2021): Die deutsche Wirtschaft in der Pandemie. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 11/2021), Nürnberg, 173 p.
Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job?
Gürtzgen, N., Diegmann, A., Pohlan, L. & van den Berg, G. (2021): Do Digital Information Technologies Help Unemployed Job Seekers Find a Job? Evidence from the Broadband Internet Expansion in Germany. In: European Economic Review, Vol. 132. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2021.103657
Does low-pay persist across different regimes?
Gürtzgen, N. & Diegmann, A. (2020): Does low-pay persist across different regimes? Evidence from German unification. In: Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, Vol. 28, No. 3, p. 413-440. DOI:10.1111/ecot.12244
The internet effects on sex crime offenses - evidence from the German broadband internet expansion
Diegmann, A. (2019): The internet effects on sex crime offenses - evidence from the German broadband internet expansion. In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, Vol. 165, No. September, p. 82-99. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2019.07.001
Schneller Internetzugang hilft Arbeitslosen bei der Jobsuche
Diegmann, A., Gürtzgen, N., Pohlan, L. & van den Berg, G. (2018): Schneller Internetzugang hilft Arbeitslosen bei der Jobsuche. In: IAB-Forum No. 13.12.2018, o. Sz.
Do digital information technologies help unemployed job seekers find a job?
Gürtzgen, N., Nolte, A., Pohlan, L. & van den Berg, G. (2018): Do digital information technologies help unemployed job seekers find a job? Evidence from the broadband internet expansion in Germany. (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2018,21), Uppsala, 58 p.
Schneller Internetzugang unterstützt Arbeitslose bei der Jobsuche
Diegmann, A. & Pohlan, L. (2018): Schneller Internetzugang unterstützt Arbeitslose bei der Jobsuche. In: ZEW news No. 9, p. S. 3.
Do digital information technologies help unemployed job seekers find a job?
Gürtzgen, N., Nolte, A., Pohlan, L. & van den Berg, G. (2018): Do digital information technologies help unemployed job seekers find a job? Evidence from the broadband internet expansion in Germany. (ZEW discussion paper 2018-030), Mannheim, 59 p.
Do digital information technologies help unemployed job seekers find a job?
Gürtzgen, N., Nolte, A., Pohlan, L. & van den Berg, G. (2018): Do digital information technologies help unemployed job seekers find a job? Evidence from the broadband internet expansion in Germany. (IZA discussion paper 11555), Bonn, 59 p.
The internet effects on sex, crime and murder
Diegmann, A. (2017): The internet effects on sex, crime and murder. Evidence from the broadband internet expansion in Germany. (ZEW discussion paper 17-050), Mannheim, 57 p.
Imputation rules for the implementation of the pre-unification education variable in the BASiD Data Set
Gürtzgen, N. & Nolte, A. (2017): Imputation rules for the implementation of the pre-unification education variable in the BASiD Data Set. In: Journal for labour market research, Vol. 50, No. 1, p. 45-65. DOI:10.1007/s12651-017-0219-3
Evaluation des Bundesprogramms "Soziale Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt"
Aurich-Beerheide, P., Kirsch, J., Knuth, M., Pfeiffer, F., Pohlan, L., Nolte, A., Bonin, H., Pagels, N., Gabler, A., Kotlenga, S., Nägele, B., Puhe, H. & Kleinemeier, R. (2017): Evaluation des Bundesprogramms "Soziale Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt". Erster Zwischenbericht. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht 479), Berlin, 113 p.
Changing fortunes during economic transition
Gürtzgen, N. & Nolte, A. (2016): Changing fortunes during economic transition. Low-wage persistence before and after German Unification. (ZEW discussion paper 2016-028), Mannheim, 58 p.
Imputation rules for the implementation of the pre-unification education variable in the BASiD data set
Gürtzgen, N. & Nolte, A. (2016): Imputation rules for the implementation of the pre-unification education variable in the BASiD data set. (ZEW discussion paper 16-020), Mannheim, 25 p.
Quality of work and economic success : a longitudinal study in German establishments. First intermediate report of the project
Bellmann, L., Bender, S., Bossler, M., Stephani, J., Wolter, S., Sliwka, D., Kampkötter, P., Laske, K., Steffes, S., Mohrenweiser, J. & Nolte, A. (2014): Arbeitsqualität und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg. Längsschnittstudie in deutschen Betrieben. Erster Zwischenbericht im Projekt. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht Arbeitsmarkt 442), Berlin, 161 p.