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Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel verknüpft mit dem Betriebs-Historik-Panel 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020)


"The Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked to the Establishment History Panel (MUP-BHP) is made up of cross-sectional datasets from 2010 onwards. Each cross-section includes all linkable limited liability companies (GmbH) from the Mannheim Enterprise Panel (MUP) and their establishments in Germany that are recorded in the Employee History Panel (BeH) as of 31 December. This linkage of companies and establishments is based on a record linkage of the address data of the MUP held by the Leibniz Institute for European Economic Research and the establishment address data at the IAB. The individual cross-sectional datasets contain information on the establishments and enterprises as well as an additional file on shareholders. The data sets can be combined to form a panel. This data report describes the Mannheim Enterprise Panel linked with the Establishment History Panel (MUP-BHP) 2010-2020." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Diegmann, A., Gottschalk, S., Hälbig, M., Schmucker, A. & Wolter, S. (2024): Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel verknüpft mit dem Betriebs-Historik-Panel 2010–2020 (MUP-BHP 1020). (FDZ-Datenreport 03/2024 (de)), Nürnberg, 106 p. DOI:10.5164/


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