Early detection and reduction in the number of premature terminations of vocational training in vocational training centres for young disabled people
"The aim of this research project was to gather empirical knowledge regarding reasons for dropping out of training and factors jeopardising the completion of training which experience has shown to lead to premature termination of measures in vocational training centres for young disabled people, and to include this in an instrument aimed at preventing young people from dropping out of training. On the basis of an extended study of relevant literature, a structured synopsis was drawn up of reasons for dropping out of training, variables associated with dropping out as well as possible methods of preventing it. It could be demonstrated that premature termination of training need not always be linked with negative consequences for those affected or for society in every case, if advantage is taken of alternative training opportunities. Moreover, there are some terminations of training which constitute 'administrative artefacts', some which are caused by unfore-seeable events and others which are 'wanted' in the well-understood interests of all those involved in the rehabilitation process. These terminations reduce the proportion of premature terminations of training which could be prevented. Nonetheless the experts interviewed attach great importance to preventative measures, although there is general agreement that such activities would have to begin in the run-up to the actual rehabilitation measures or within the framework of the admission procedures, particularly as experience has shown that the danger signs are often visible at this early stage. These findings served as a preparation for the empirical phase in which 100 explorative interviews were conducted with employees at vocational training centres for young disabled people and with people in rehabilitation. On the basis of these conversations, first a list was drawn up of some 220 features which, according to those interviewed, could signalise factors jeopardising the completion of training. These were then transformed into an instrument to assess factors jeopardising the completion of training; the intentions of this instrument and the possibilities of its use are demonstrated to the potential user group with the aid of a framework concept and explanatory notes. The instrument now available is intended to be used above all by trainers, vocational school teachers and guidance staff, but can also be used by those working in specialised services in the admission team and by rehabilitation counsellors. Assessments should be made in the first and last weeks of a trainee's probationary period and later on at greater intervals. It is conceivable to adapt the use of the instrument to the organisatory particularities and routines found in a particular establishment. It is recommendable to subject the instrument to a practical test on a scientific basis before using it generally, and if necessary to adapt it in this way to the findings gained." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Faßmann, H. & Funk, W. (1997): Früherkennung und Reduzierung von Abbrüchen der Berufsausbildung in Berufsbildungswerken. In: Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 30, No. 2, p. 345-355.