The IAB also publishes its research findings in external discussion and working papers, (refereed) journals, monographs, anthologies and other external publications.
Total hits 9.894
Recruiting abroad: an empirical analysis
Bossler, M. (2016): Recruiting abroad: an empirical analysis. In: International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 37, No. 4, p. 590-605. DOI:10.1108/IJM-12-2014-0233
Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction?
Bossler, M. & Broszeit, S. (2017): Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction? Micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage. In: Labour, Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 480-493. DOI:10.1111/labr.12117
Standard and non-standard employment
Gundert, S. & Stegmaier, J. (2019): Standard and non-standard employment. Different jobs, same rights? In: Soziale Welt, Vol. 70, No. 3, p. 304-331. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2019-3-304
Methods to Estimate Causal Effects
Collischon, M. (2022): Methods to Estimate Causal Effects. An Overview on IV, DiD and RDD and a Guide on How to Apply them in Practice. In: Soziale Welt, Vol. 73, No. 4, p. 713 -735. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2022-4-713
Collecting Hair Samples in Online Panel Surveys: Participation Rates, Selective Participation, and Effects on Attrition (im Erscheinen)
Sakshaug, J., Hetschko, C., Lawes, M. & Eid, M. (2025): Collecting Hair Samples in Online Panel Surveys: Participation Rates, Selective Participation, and Effects on Attrition (im Erscheinen). In: Survey research methods.
Multidimensional effects of conflict-induced violence on wartime migration decisions: Evidence from Ukraine (im Erscheinen)
Kosyakova, Y., Kogan, I. & Tubergen, F. (2025): Multidimensional effects of conflict-induced violence on wartime migration decisions: Evidence from Ukraine (im Erscheinen). In: Journal of peace research.
Combining Scientific and Non-scientific Surveys to Improve Estimation and Reduce Costs
Sakshaug, J., Wiśniowski, A., Perez-Ruiz, D. & Blom, A. (2021): Combining Scientific and Non-scientific Surveys to Improve Estimation and Reduce Costs. In: T. Rudas & G. Péli (eds.) (2021): Pathways between social science and computational social science, Springer p. 71-93. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-54936-7_4
Arbeit hat Zukunft - auch digital
Weber, E. (2017): Arbeit hat Zukunft - auch digital. In: Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, Vol. 65, No. 11, p. 628.
Investigating the use of nurse paradata in understanding nonresponse to biological data collection
Pashazadeh, F., Cernat, A. & Sakshaug, J. (2020): Investigating the use of nurse paradata in understanding nonresponse to biological data collection. In: K. Olson, J. D. Smyth, J. Dykema, A. Holbrook, F. Kreuter & B. T. West (Eds.) (2020): Interviewer effects from a total survey error perspective.
Comparing two early childhood home visiting models: Follow-up of a randomized trial at child age 7 (im Erscheinen)
Sandner, M. (2025): Comparing two early childhood home visiting models: Follow-up of a randomized trial at child age 7 (im Erscheinen). In: JAMA pediatrics.
Affektpolitik auf dem Rücken der Armen? Wie der mediale Diskurs über Armut von den Betroffenen
Hirseland, A. & Röhrer, S. (2024): Affektpolitik auf dem Rücken der Armen? Wie der mediale Diskurs über Armut von den Betroffenen. In: A. Kerle, F. Kessl & A. Knecht (Hrsg.) (2024): Armutsdiskurse: Perspektiven aus Medien, Politik und Sozialer Arbeit (im Erscheinen).
Collection of biomeasures in a cross-national setting
Weiss, L., Sakshaug, J. & Börsch-Supan, A. (2018): Collection of biomeasures in a cross-national setting. Experiences in SHARE. In: T. P. Johnson, B.- E. Pennell, I. Stoop & B. Dorer (Hrsg.) (2018): Advances in comparative survey methods : multinational, multiregional and multicultural contexts (3MC), p. 623-642.
The effect of nonresponse and measurement error on wage regression across survey modes
Kirchner, A. & Felderer, B. (2017): The effect of nonresponse and measurement error on wage regression across survey modes. A validation study. In: P. P. Biemer, E. de Leeuw, S. Eckman, B. Edwards, F. Kreuter, L. E. Lyberg, N. C. Tucker & B. T. West (Hrsg.) (2017): Total survey error in practice, p. 531-556.
The Effects of Biological Data Collection in Longitudinal Surveys on Subsequent Wave Nonresponse
Pashazadeh, F., Cernat, A. & Sakshaug, J. (2021): The Effects of Biological Data Collection in Longitudinal Surveys on Subsequent Wave Nonresponse. In: P. Lynn (Ed.) (2021): Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, p. 100-121.