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IAB Publications

The IAB makes the results of its research and its scientifically-based recommendations for action for policy-makers and practitioners accessible to different target groups through a wide range of publications.

ID picture for external publications

External Publications

The IAB also publishes its research findings in external discussion and working papers, (refereed) journals, monographs, anthologies and other external publications.

ID picture for "Library and subject information"

Library and subject information

Library and subject information provides special literature and information services from the realm of labour market and employment research as well as specialist literature on administrative tasks and legal issues.

Publications in high-ranking journals

Refereed essays by IAB researchers in journals that have been rated at least 60 points in the IAB journal rating (year of acceptance: 2021). The IAB developed the rating in order to provide an assessment of all relevant journals in the IAB’s core disciplines (economics, sociology, survey statistics), analogous to the Handelsblatt rating established in economics. The essays are grouped according to the orientation of the journal. They are sorted according to the following criteria: ranking (highest rating first), citation (from A to Z).

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