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Job Vacancy and Recruitment Durations in Germany

Project duration: 19.03.2010 to 30.12.2030


The project will examine search and recruitment durations of new hirings using establishment survey data of the IAB Job Vacancy Survey. The main questions are: what is the contribution of different regional, occupational and industry demarcations of labour markets? How differently do the various phases of a hiring process (time until deciding for an applicant, time from ddecision to actual start of work) react to changes in the labour market? How do regional and economy-wide changes in labour market policy affect search and recruitment durations on the establishment level? How can employers speed up the filling of vacancies through their recruitment behaviour? The project will use duration models with a long time series from 2000 to 2019 to be able to account for different changes in the business cycles and in instutitions, and to have sufficient statistical precision from a high number of cases. It is conducted in cooperation with Steven Davis from the University of Chicago.


19.03.2010 - 30.12.2030


Steven J. Davis
19.03.2010 - 30.12.2030
31.12.2013 - 29.08.2018
19.03.2010 - 30.12.2030
19.03.2010 - 30.12.2030