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Modeexperiments within the IAB-Job Vacancy Survey

Project duration: 31.12.2019 to 30.12.2023


Since 2012, the IAB Job Vacacny Survey has been offering the possibility of participating via an online or paper&pencil questionnaire, both for initial contact and for reminders. Within the present project, this continued mixed-mode design will be tested experimentally for the first time and compared with other survey designs. Furthermore, the effect of an additional reminder letter will be investigated. The evaluation of the different survey modes is carried out in dimensions of costs, response rate, nonresponse bias and data quality. The experimental data are complemented by findings from qualitative interviews in which the influence of the survey mode on the response process is analyzed.


31.12.2019 - 30.12.2023
31.12.2019 - 30.12.2023
Benjamin Küfner
31.12.2019 - 30.12.2023
31.12.2019 - 30.12.2023
31.12.2019 - 30.12.2023