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Capital mobility, imperfect labour markets, and the provision of public goods


"This paper examines equilibrium tax rates and provision levels of public goods in an international tax competition setting with imperfect labour markets. While earlier research mainly reexamined the result of underprovision of public consumption goods in the decentralised equilibrium, this paper focuses also on the provision of public intermediate goods with different sets of policy instruments available for governments, including a labour tax. In the tax game assuming symmetric jurisdictions, public inputs may also be overprovided if unemployment is caused by a fixed wage above the competitive wage rate. In detail, overprovision of public inputs may occur if governments have a head tax only, or head and capital taxes at disposal. Using comparative static analysis, the paper investigates further the sources of the differences between governmental provision of public consumption goods and public inputs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Pauser, J. (2013): Capital mobility, imperfect labour markets, and the provision of public goods. (IAB-Discussion Paper 09/2013), Nürnberg, 22 p.


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