Intergenerational Exchange Relationships and Their Determinants : A European Comparison
"In the context of the current debate on generational relationships in ageing societies, the article deals with intergenerational support between the age group of 50-plus and their adult children. On the basis of a model extended by motive structures of family solidarity, our analyses identified some considerable differences between Southern Europe and the rest of Europe. In Southern Europe, intergenerational exchange relationships between households are indeed less numerous, but more intense than in the other countries investigated. It is hardly possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion to the question if a strong welfare state undermines or favours inner-family solidarity. In the face of restrictions to analysis due to the limited availability of data, it also remains unclear in how far intergenerational transfers are influenced by the motives of individuals, even though we could find indications that suggest devoting more awareness to this question in future studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)
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Raab, M., Ruland, M. & Schmidt, C. (2009): Intergenerationale Austauschbeziehungen und ihre Determinanten. Ein europäischer Vergleich. In: H. Engelhardt (Hrsg.) (2009): Altern in Europa : empirische Analysen mit dem Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (Bamberger Beiträge zur Soziologie, 01), p. 1-56.