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Schützt Bildung vor Erwerbsrisiken in der Corona-Krise?


"In Germany, education is particularly closely linked to opportunities and risks in working life. This report examines whether the corona crisis has increased these disparities and risks in the short term or whether it has influenced the employment situation of adults in Germany regardless of their level of education. The calculations are based on short CAWI surveys in four NEPS starting cohorts in May/June 2020 on topics related to the corona crisis. Overall, the findings show clear effects of the crisis on the employment situation and on the future expectations of the respondents. The employment situation during this period was most strongly influenced by whether or not employed persons worked in system-relevant jobs. The employment situation differed less markedly according to the age and family situation of the employed persons. And finally, the employment risks resulting from the Corona crisis are unequally distributed according to the educational level of the employees. Highly educated people are less likely to work in system-relevant jobs than lower educated people. Irrespective of this, the higher the level of education, the higher the proportion of the working population who could at least partially work from home, and the lower the risk of underemployment. Nevertheless, most employees felt well or very well supported by their employer. They were worried about social developments, but were quite optimistic about their own future. However, this was more true for the higher educated than the lower educated." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A. & Zoch, G. (2020): Schützt Bildung vor Erwerbsrisiken in der Corona-Krise? (LIfBi working paper 89), Bamberg, 28 p. DOI:10.5157/NEPS:WP89:1.0