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Evaluation beruflicher Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen im Rahmen der Wiedereingliederung

Project duration: 01.11.2005 to 31.12.2016


Vocational rehabilitation for adults with disabilities is supporting the reintegration into the labour market, restoring labour market inclusion and ensuring it in the long run. But the effects of vocational rehabilitation on labour market integration of people with disabilities are relatively unknown. Contrary to evaluation in the field of medical rehabilitation there is only marginal research here. That applies to participation in measures or appraisal of the rehabilitants, as well as to occupational integration after measures. This project aims to fill in the blank.

Data basis is a survey of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) that covers data on vocational rehabilitants with disabilities who participated in a measure within the BA in 2006 and the administrative data of the BA.


01.11.2005 - 31.12.2016


Joanna Beyersdorf
01.10.2009 - 31.12.2016
Johanna Dornette
01.11.2005 - 31.08.2009
Julia Hoffmann
18.08.2014 - 31.01.2015
01.01.2012 - 28.02.2014