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Further Development of a National Accounting Model for the German Labour Market

Project duration: 01.10.2004 to 31.03.2009


Description and analysis of the labour market take place predominantly in net changes between individual aggregates. The IAB National Accounting Model for the Labour Market (AGR) represents the gross flows between the different "accounts" of the labour market (e.g. trainees on the job, employed and unemployed, self-employed etc.). The subdivision of individual accounts, e.g. employed by economic sectors, is planned. The AGR is extended and refined, whereby new data sources are opened. In particular, micro data from the Federal Employment Agency and the IAB employee database are used to illustrate transitions between different kinds of labour-market status. Some information about gross flows is not available in the official statistics. In this case we use a special estimation technique based on the entropy optimisation.
With this advancement of the AGR, the database for labour-market analysis is improved, and some new information about the impact of active labour-market policy is provided.


Thomas Rothe
01.10.2004 - 31.03.2009


Friedrich Graef
01.10.2004 - 31.03.2009