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Data and IT-Management: IT Solutions


The Team IT Solutions has two key tasks that will be described in the following sections.

As the requirements of the IAB research often exceeds the standard provided by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) the


takes care of the user-support in the IAB. The team advises users in all questions relating to the IT-infrastructure and determine in accordance with the users, how to realize requirements within the BA-IT in technological and organizational terms, coordinates with the persons in charge at the IT System House (IT-Systemhaus) and the Headquarters of the BA (Zentrale der BA) or establishes a personal contact.

Besides, the team handles the purchase, maintenance and the constant updating of the specific software used at IAB. To do so, a far-sighted license management policy as well as a continuous adjustment of the server network to the demands of the installed software assets and storage requirements is absolutely essential.

Requirements regarding the operation of, as well as the further technical development of IAB-business applications leading to

Software Development

Are managed and new processes for optimization get initiated. The orders are clarified and planned in close cooperation with the technical side (IAB-Fach).

The realization of these valuated technical requirements and necessary adjustments due to changes of the technical infrastructure of the BA are also implemented by the team IT Solutions. The operation, analysis and elimination of problems occurring when using the IAB business applications as well as testing to safeguard the operability and security of the applications as well as to reduce operating expenses are furthermore conducted by the team.
