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Skilled trades and the labour market

Due to the shortage of skilled workers and in light of the advancing digital and environmental transformation of the economy, companies and workers in the skilled trades face a multitude of challenges. These firms need to attract and retain new recruits to be able to keep innovating and stay competitive. With a need for new skill sets comes the need to ensure the provision and improvement of continuing professional development and skills training for people in this industry.

What role do skilled trades play in terms of employment and vocational training nationally and in the regions? How severe is the shortage of skilled workers and what changes have there been in vocational training for skilled trades that combines hands-on experience and classroom-based learning? What are the risks and opportunities of demographic change, digitalisation and decarbonisation? How can new skilled workers be recruited to work in skilled trades and how can trained tradespeople be retained? The IAB’s research focuses on these and other questions.

We have compiled a list of IAB publications and projects on this page that are related to the subject of skilled trades and the labour market.
