The European Labour Market Barometer falls marginally in May by 0.1 point compared to the previous month. Therefore, at 101.7 points, the labour market leading indicator of the European Network of Public Employment Services and the IAB lies significantly above the neutral mark of 100 points once again. The employment component climbs slightly by 0.3 points to 103.6 points. This signals solid employment growth and employment prospects remain good. The component for the unemployment forecast, on the other hand, drops slightly by 0.4 points to 99.8 points and now gives reason to expect a stagnation in the unemployment. As in recent months, the development of the barometer is heterogeneous in Europe, although weaker in Central Europe than overall. “The energy crisis may be over, but the consequences have not yet been completely overcome”, says Enzo Weber, IAB head of forecast.

The European Labour Market Barometer remains stable
As in recent months, the development of the barometer is heterogeneous in Europe, although weaker in Central Europe than overall.