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Corridor in a hospital with beds and equipment on the sides. A person from the nursing staff can be seen out of focus in the centre.

Shortage of skilled workers

The labour market in Germany is undergoing fundamental change, which has been brought about by different economic transformations.

The labour market in Germany is undergoing fundamental change, which has been brought about, in particular, by the digital and environmental transformation of the economy. On top of this upheaval, demographic change means that Germany’s workforce will shrink over time. For example, the baby boomer generation is set to retire between now and 2035, which will further compound the difficulties in finding skilled labour.

Is the German economy facing a serious skills shortage that will impact on its ability to compete and innovate? Which industries, professions and regions are affected? How are companies responding to the competition for qualified personnel and for apprentices? How can policymakers help businesses attract and retain suitably qualified staff? We have compiled a list of IAB publications and projects that help to answer these and other questions you may have about the shortage of skilled workers.

Photo: upixa/