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Wage differentials Temporary work


"Studies for Germany that have already been published show that the wages of hired-out workers are on average clearly lower than those of other employees who are covered by social security contributions. If, in a first step, one compares the average wages of hired-out workers and other employees, this results in a basic wage differential to the degree of 59 per cent. This basic wage differential does not however take the existing differences in features between hired-out workers and other employees into account. For instance, hired-out workers tend to be younger than the compared group on average; they have lower qualifications; and they work in different occupations. Taking this into account, the wage differential drops distinctly and now only amounts to 38 per cent. A further important difference between the two groups concerns working biographies: hired-out workers were often unemployed before they took on their jobs as hired-out workers. In general, the working biographies of hired-out workers are on average more discontinuous than those of other regular employees. That is why we include previous working biographies in our analysis. This finally produces a wage differential to a level of 22 per cent. "(Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Lehmer, F. & Ziegler, K. (2011): Lohndifferenzial Zeitarbeit. Nürnberg, 3 p.


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