Career Entries after Vocational Education and Training: Usually without interruptions
"This report analyses recent transitions from in-firm-vocational education and training (VET) to work. VET is still the major pathway from school to work in Germany although tertiary education becomes increasingly important. After successfully attending VET, around two thirds of graduates are taken over by their training companies. If they (have to) leave the training firm many of them find a job in another company without interruption. VET graduates who are not taken over, however, often also leave the training occupation especially if they become unemployed after finishing VET. Almost 20 per cent of VET leavers subsequently become unemployed, often resulting in losses of income and the necessity of opting out of the occupation they were trained for. Furthermore, transitions from VET to work vary according to occupations. There are high unemployment risks after VET for occupations such as house painters and lacquerers, car mechanics, warehouse clerks, or hotel and restaurant servers. Low unemployment risks can be stated for health and elder care occupations as well as for bank clerks and occupations in public administration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Seibert, H. & Wydra-Somaggio, G. (2017): Berufseinstieg nach der betrieblichen Ausbildung: Meist gelingt ein nahtloser Übergang. (IAB-Kurzbericht 20/2017), Nürnberg, 8 p.
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