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The requirement for action on labour market and educational policy


The significance of labour market transitions as well as their promotion by means of labour market policy and educational policy measures are the topic of this article. 'The support and backing up of transitions in the form of institutional arrangements can avoid social exclusion through risky labour market transitions and, instead, extend the possibilities both for employees and for the unemployed and for economically inactive persons. At the same time it increases flexibility which is called for on the one hand because of pluralistic lifestyles and on the other because of changes in working conditions.' Further occupational training plays a special role in individual transitions on the labour market, and the promotion of such further occupational training by the Federal Employment Agency constitutes one of the significant measures of active labour market policy. In the article, a case is made for promoting further training not only when there is (a threat of) unemployment. 'By means of prevention, one should avoid labour market policy becoming a 'repair shop' which is only activated when it is actually too late.' Among the forward-looking approaches are: life-long learning; an open configuration of the educational system; and an increase in the permeability of the education system. (IAB)

Cite article

Kruppe, T. (2011): Arbeitsmarkt- und bildungspolitischer Handlungsbedarf. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 91, No. Sonderheft, p. 54-56. DOI:10.1007/s10273-011-1184-z


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