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Lebensverläufe von Leistungsbeziehern in Berlin: Trotz hoher Dynamik sind die meisten langfristig auf Unterstützung angewiesen


Since the introduction of Hartz IV - basic income support for job-seekers - in 2005, the number of persons receiving benefits has declined continuously. At the same time, however, the share of those persons who are dependent on this state support for a fairly long time or even permanently has increased. At the same time, only little is known about the life courses behind the official data. Using Hartz IV recipients in Berlin, we examine through which paths they have - or have not - exited benefit receipt within four years. In doing so, typical model pathways are identified. (IAB) ((en))

Cite article

Seibert, H. & Wurdack, A. (2016): Lebensverläufe von Leistungsbeziehern in Berlin: Trotz hoher Dynamik sind die meisten langfristig auf Unterstützung angewiesen. In: IAB-Forum No. 1, p. 26-33. DOI:10.3278/IFO1601W026


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